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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 20:05:22

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Another busy week reception class.
Lets share what you have been learning...

Expressive Arts and Design

In music we listened to Superstition by Stevie Wonder. We really liked this song and we all moved to the beat on the carpet whilst we listened. We talked about the song and we all really liked it, we thought it sounded really funky! We said that we could hear; trumpets, drums, guitars and a piano.

After listening to the song we discovered that Stevie Wonder, the man who performs this song is blind. We thought it was amazing that he had learnt to play instruments even though he couldn't see them.

Understanding the world Development

In RE we learnt about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. We started our learning by enjoying our garden on a windy day, we explored windy toys like windmills and streamers and watched how the wind affected these things. We read 'Teddy Horsley and the Windy Day' this is a story to help us celebrate Pentecost. In the story we heard that Teddy Horsley can often feel the wind; blowing against him, pulling his sailing boat along, he could often hear the wind, making leaves rustle and doors slam, and he could also see the wind; making leaves blow in the wind and trees sway. This reminded us of our outdoor exploration of the wind.

Next we learnt that the Pentecost is the church's birthday, we watched the story of the Pentecost, which told us that after Jesus died God gave the disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit and just like the wind they could feel it and hear it but not see it.
Finally we talked about how we have made someone else feel, we had some brilliant answers; happy, excited, joyful, surprised and loved. We enjoyed drawing a picture of a time we have made someone feel one of these feelings.

Mathematical Development

In Maths we have been exploring what is meant by doubling and have learnt to recognise and represent doubles to double 5.At the start of the week we learnt the song, 'Double? No trouble!' We used our fingers to help us keep track of each double to 10.

We enjoyed playing dominoes and looking at matching the doubles to make a whole number, we used the maths word 'equal' which means the same. Next we explored all of the doubles up to double 5, we used ten frames and counters to challenge our partners to create doubles.

Literacy Development

This week in Literacy we have focussed on our sentence writing. We started by talking about Queen Elizabeth II, learning that she is the Queen of the United Kingdom and will be celebrating her platinum jubilee soon, this means she has been on the throne for 70 years!

We know that a sentence needs to have a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop and tried our best to remember this in our writing. First we decided what we wanted our sentence to say, next we used out Fred fingers to sound out the words, finally we read our sentence back to make sure that it made sense.

Physical Development

In PE we continued practicing our throwing and catching skills. We also started to learn how to strike a ball with one hand.

We started by warming up whilst working on the skill of side stepping. With a partner we used 3 cones in a triangle and side stepped around the cones.
Next we played a game called 'Quick up the cone' using our three coloured cones. Taking it in turns the teacher shouted a sequence of colours and we had to pick the cones up in that order and put them on our head, we had some great team work and enjoyed helping our partner to get the right colours quickly.

In pairs, we took it in turns to bounce the ball on the floor and used our hands to bat it across to our partner, who tried to catch the ball. Finally we cooled down by playing a game of domes and dishes which we really enjoy!

Personal Social and Emotional Development

In Heart smart we thought about things we are thankful for. We were so excited to find out that we had received an envelope addressed to the Reception Class at Wybunbury Delves. When we opened the envelope we found that it was a postcard from Boris! He was writing to thank us for the postcards that we sent to cheer him up a few weeks ago.

Boris told us in his postcard that he is thankful for us, he asked us what we are thankful for?

We had a moment to think about this before passing Boris around the circle and saying what we are thankful for. Some of the things we said were:" I am thankful for...my nanny and grandad; my mum and dad; my new house; everyone and that we're going on holiday soon."

We learnt that when we are thankful, we are focussing on things that make us feel good, we know that this makes our hearts happy and stay strong.
Boris says 'A thankful heart is a strong heart.'
Bible link 'Be thankful in all circumstances.' 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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