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Reception class news 13: 05: 22

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Another busy week Reception Class.
It is lovely to hear from Mrs wainwright, you are working so hard in your learning in my absence.
Let's share what you have been doing...

Literacy Development

In literacy we have been focussing on instruction writing, discussing how instructions are used to explain how to do something, like bake a cake or play a game and the different words that we normally used when writing instructions; first, next, then and finally.
We then wrote a set of instructions to explain how to plant a seed, understanding that we needed to start a new line for each instruction and remembering our finger spaces and full stops.

Mathematical Development

Our mathematical focus this week has been to accurately count beyond 10, where we have played lots of games to help us with this concept. Sitting in a circle, we passed a ball around, counting on each time the ball was passed, when we got to 20 whoever was holding the ball started the counting again from 1.

Throughout the week we have used lots of different items from around our classroom and practiced accurately counting 20 of each item. We even learnt a new song and dance to help us with our numbers from 10-20.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In our Heartsmart session we learnt that being yourself is the best you can be. Boris taught us to speak confidently to a group as ourselves and as a character.

Firstly, we looked at a selection of different hats; builders hat, police hat, firefighter hat etc. We spoke about these hats and who might wear them. Next we took turn to choose a hat and sit on the chair as a character, we had to think of a character to match the hat, we had Bob the builder, Mark the Diamond miner as well as lots of others.

Finally we talked about how although it was fun to pretend to be someone else, being ourselves is the most fun because it is who we are meant to be! We learnt that; There has never been and never will be another one of you!

Boris says, "Being you is the best you can be!"
Bible link: "God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you." Colossians 3:12.

Physical Development

In our PE session we continued to practice our underarm throwing skills, starting with a game of 'not in my back yard.' Splitting into two teams and we sat on opposite sides of the hall, with cones down the middle as our back garden fence. There was a lot of litter (balls) on one side of the fence that the other team had littered. The aim of the game was to get the litter to the other side of the fence, we used out under arm throwing skill to accurately throw 'the litter' to the other side.

Next we completed a circuit which involved throwing a ball through a hoop, as we moved around the circuit the hoop got gradually further away. Finally we worked with a partner to practice our throwing and catching. We are definitely improving our accuracy when throwing the ball!

Expressive Arts and Design Development

We listened to 'Don't you worry about a thing' performed by Tori Kelly in our music session. We really liked this song, it was upbeat and we easily moved our bodies in time with the music! We would hear lots of instruments, including drums, maracas, trumpets and guitars. We decided that this song reminded us of our 'Big Bear Funk' song that we began to learn last week, which we then practiced, adding actions to help us to remember the words to the song, we had great fun dancing and singing to the funky music.

Finally we learnt a new song 'let me see your bungalow' this was a great song and helped us with our listening and copying skills.

Understanding The World Development

In RE we started to learn the story of the Pentecost by exploring windy day toys in our garden. We loved watching the windmills spinning around as they were really colourful. Then welistened to the story of Teddy Horsley and the Windy Day which reminded us of our windy play in the garden.

As we began to learn about the Holy Spirit it reminded us of the wind, although we can feel it and hear it, we can not see it.We are looking forward to continuing to learn more about the story of the Pentecost and the Holy Spirit in the coming weeks.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs ward and Mrs wainwright

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