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Reception Class News 11:02:2022

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Where has this week gone Reception Class?
It seems to have flown by. It has been a week of great learning and perseverance as well as fun and laughter. Let's share what we have doing...

Physical Development

In PE we focussed on practicing our rocking and rolling skills as well as developing a new skill of performing in canon with a partner.We started our session by warming up our bodies with a game, where we all stood in a line at one end of the hall whilst letters from the alphabet were called out, taking one step forward if that letter was in our first name and we got to take two steps if the letter appeared twice in our names!

Working as a team, we prepared the hall for our session as we safely moved the mats in pairs to a space in the hall ready for our gymnastics.After recapping the different rolls we have learnt so far; teddy bear roll, pencil roll and egg roll and having a quick practice of each, we learnt that canon means to perform with a partner, one after the other.Our challenge was then to work with our partner to perform different rolls in canon, ensuring that we had a strong starting and finishing positions. We then performed these for our friends and gave each other feedback, saying what we really liked and what could be improved.

Expressive Arts and Design

In our music session we listened to Conga! Performed by Miami Sound Machine. We really enjoyed listening to the song and found it hard to keep our bodies still, we wanted to move our bodies in time with the music and tried to keep the rhythm by tapping our hands on our knees.We talked about what instruments we could hear and decided we heard; drums, maracas, a piano and even a trumpet.Most of us really liked the song and said it made us feel happy as well as making us want to dance!Next we enjoyed singing some of the songs that we have been learning recently, we sang; wind the bobbin up, twinkle twinkle little star and heads, shoulders, knees and toes. We had lots of fun following the actions whilst we sang. Well done!

Literacy Development

In our daily phonics sessions we have continued to recap known sounds and explored new sounds in listening, reading and writing activities. In our daily handwriting activities we have continued practicing our formation of 'around letters' a o d g q as we are still finding the anticlockwise motion of the letters tricky and often form them from the bottom of the letter and backwards. To help us with this we have been warming up our writing muscles, that begin at our shoulders, by making large circular movements then slowly transferring them into smaller movements from our wrists.

In our writing activities, we have wrote about our different skills and talents in sentences that begin with 'I can...' We are becoming much more confident writers at the moments as we build upon our writing experiences each week, which is lovely to see.

Understanding the World

In RE we completed our unit of work on the concept of Kingdom of God and what might make a good king and how Jesus' life reflected Jesus as a special king.Following on from our previous lessons where we have been thinking about what makes a good king and learning about Jesus' arrival at Jerusalem, today we acted out part of the Palm Sunday Story; Luke 19:28-40
We used the palm leaves that we created last week to make an archway for Jesus and his disciples to walk through whilst we shouted "Hosanna to the King"

We decided that although Jesus did not look like a king he was still treated like a king by the people he met as they knew how special he was.We made our own 'Jesus the King' pictures showing why we thought Jesus was a good king. We considered that he helped make people feel better, he helped to feed people and he was always kind, as he taught everyone about God's love.

This week has been safer Internet week and we have discussed all the different activities we can do on phones, tablets, laptops and computers at home and in school. We compared some of the activities we can do by ourselves and those we need an adult to support us to do. Most importantly we discussed how to stay safe on the internet, to not give out any information about ourselves and to play games that are safe for our age group to play. Continuing the theme of staying safe we discussed what we should do if something we saw or was said online was upsetting or worrying.

Mathematical Development

This week we have begun to explore the concept of measurement and have focused on length,
height and distance, where we have used new vocabulary of longer,shorter and taller to compare length.
In our starter session we make our own caterpillars from playdough where we explored who could make the longest and the shortest caterpillar. We then experimented with putting their caterpillars in length order focus on lining up objects to compare them and begin to explore non-standard units of measurement.

In our discover and share session we developed our confidence at comparing items by using a baseline to accurately three or more items from shortest to longest.

In our thinking together session, we choose objects that we could compare by length or height and used non-standard units (cubes) to measure them,lining up the cubes with the end of the object we were measuring. Then by counting how many cubes long each object was, we ordered them by size, shortest to longest.

In our practice journal, we consolidated the methods we have learnt so far to compare items by length and height and measured them using the non-standard unit of cubes, demonstrating our understanding of the terms longer, taller and shorter.

Communication and Language Development

We have continued to enjoy sharing stories across the week, developing our story language and using expression and intonation in our voices as we join in with familiar passages and phrases from our favourite books. How wonderful that each time we reread them we can enjoy them even more!

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In our Heart Smart session we followed on from our previous lessons where we have been thinking about how we can be helpful and how others help us. Today we learnt to be thankful for the people who help us at a school.We started by talking about which people help us, we came up with lots of different ideas, including our mums and dads, grandparents, teachers, dinner staff and friends.

Boris asked us to think specifically about the people who help us at school, we said that Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright help us to learn, Gill helps us with our dinner and also keeps us safe when we play outside. We all agreed that our friends help us in school as well, they help us to be happy, to share and can sometimes even help us with our learning.

Then Boris asked us to think about ways we can say thank you to those people that help us, we through that the most obvious answer was to simply say "thank you" however we thought of some other ways too. We said that we could be helpful back to that person or maybe giving them a card would be a nice way to say thank you. blowing kisses and giving a handshake were also very good suggestions.

We decided to make some thank you cards of our own for some of the people who help us in school.

Boris says "Thank you for helping me"

Bible link "Every time I think of you I thank God for you." Philippians 1:3

Have a relaxing weekend Reception Class
See you on Monday for our last week of this half term
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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