This week may have been only four days long Reception class, but you have packed it full of learning and what a lovely way to finish our week off by dressing in red, white and blue to celebrate King Charles coronation.
Let's share in our learning...
Mathematical Development: This week in our maths learning, we focused on adding by counting on from a given number. We used the first then and now structures to identify the number we were counting on from and identified how many we had altogether. We were able to apply what we learned through various activities and it was great to see such good number work Reception class.
Literacy Development: In our literacy learning, we shared information we had learnt over the week about King Charles and coronations. We then thought about sentences we wanted to write, practiced saying them, and counted the number of words needed. To help us sound out words, we used Fred fingers and remembered to use finger spaces between our words. We also learned how to edit our work by checking for capital letters and full stops. It was a great week for our literacy development.
Communication and Language Development: In our communication and language lessons, we shared lots of fiction and non-fiction books from home and explored new vocabulary and word meanings. We particularly enjoyed the 'crayon series' of books by Michael Hall. It was lovely to see our reception class continuing their love of reading.
Physical Development: This week in our physical development learning, we focused on developing our throwing skills. We practiced throwing overarm and the importance of the non-throwing arm. To warm up, we played the Mr Men and Little Miss game, moving like the characters. For the main session, we played in pairs and threw a soft ball overarm to bounce before our partner gathered it. We checked our body position to throw overarm and coordinated our body to throw accurately. We also played caged dodgeball and had a hit the cone competition during the game session. We ended our session by revising what a good throwing position looks like.
Expressive Arts and Design development: In our expressive arts and design learning, we looked at the crown that King Charles will wear for his coronation, its structure and design. We then used card to make the main structure and decorated it with gems. We chose royal colours for the structure that formed the cross-section and decorated it. The crowns looked amazing and I know everyone was so proud of their creations and couldn't wait to wear them today.
A huge thank you to Louise for making us dairy and nut free cup cakes to decorate with red, white and blue icing and toppings. They looked yummy, enjoy!
In music we enjoyed listening to Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing by Incognito, we enjoyed moving our bodies to the beat and listening the the different instruments in the song. Next we enjoyed continuing to learn the song 'Big Bear Funk' we sang each line individually and added some actions to help us to remember the words. Eventually we put it altogether and performed the whole song together at the end of the session. It was great fun, we can't wait to try it with some instruments next week.
We have also continued to work on our Vincent Van Gogh paintings across the week.
Understanding the World Development: This week in our understanding the world learning, we started by discussing what history is: things that have happened in the past. We then explored how coronations have been celebrated in the past and thought about how we will celebrate King Charles' coronation in school and at the weekend with our families.
Additionally, we continued to prepare our garden for our fruit and vegetable seedlings.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development: This week in our heart smart we learnt that it is important to be honest and always tell the truth. We read 'How the rabbit got his long ears' which is a Mi'kmaq Native American tale, we learnt that a Native Americans are a group of people, who lived in America long before it was discovered in the 1400's by Christopher Columbus.
The story was about a rabbit whose ears were very small, unfortunately rabbit told his friends a lie that the sun would never rise again, he then hid in the long grass and laughed at them. When the Great Father asked the animals what had happened he was upset with rabbit and pulled him up by his ears, causing them to grow, he said this would mean that the rabbit could never hide again and he learnt not to tell lies. We talked about the importance of being honest and always telling the truth.
Boris says "Friends always tell each other the truth."
Bible link "The truth will free you." John 8:32
Have a fabulous long weekend everyone
Enjoy the coronation
Mrs Ward and the Reception team, Mrs Wainwright and Louise
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street