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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news 8.11.21

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Another busy week in Y3 has whizzed by. In our English sessions this week, we learnt more of our model text and we used a highlighter to find any words we were unsure of. We then worked in small teams to work out what they meant. We investigated words such as littered, pulsing and suffocating. We then wrote the meanings and drew pictures to help us remember. We wrote some short burst writes too, thinking about how word choices help the reader to know if the writing is about something positive, like saving the creatures from plastic or something negative, like too much plastic being used.

In maths this week, we continued on with our addition and subtraction unit of work where we focused firstly on column addition and then column subtraction, without exchanging. We used place value grids to help us and dienes and next week we will apply this knowledge to exchanging.

In music this week, we brought our glockenspiel learning and our singing together to perform 'ho ho ho'. We have done some notation learning which helped us count and keep the pulse.

This week's French lesson saw us asking how old are you and replying with I am 7 (or 8) years old. We also learnt 'tres bien!' (there was lots of times we needed to say this in our lesson!) and we recapped what is your name and my name is. Trés bien Year 3, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

In RE, we discussed God's never ending love for us. We used a Möbius strip to illustrate this. It was a bit of a physical challenge, but we focussed really hard and had lots of success. Well done Year3.

In our design and technology lessons, we have continued our sewing project linked to history. We continued to practise our running stitch on the binka and are now applying our skills to felt and creating our own 'three stones' Roman game. They are looking really impressive and I know you are excited to have them put into your study work books.

This week, we had an online safety lesson too. We learnt to recognize the kind of information that is private and understand that we should never give out private information online.

In computing we started our new coding unit on code studio. We recapped what coding is and how it can be used. We gave each other sets of instructions to follow and realised we needed to be very precise and clear when giving instructions. We then worked in partners on code studio to put what we had learnt into practise.

www.maths.co.uk homework was set this week on Friday. Thank you for all the book reviews you continue to send it, we have some children very close to getting their bronze award!

I hope you had a lovely weekend,
Miss McCurrie

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