We started our week with our theme day! You all looked absolutely amazing! We had mummies, explorers, Egyptologists, Cleopatras, rich Egyptian ladies, pharaohs and many more. We had a fabulous day together too. We learnt about the mummification process and mummified our very own Barbie dolls! We learnt about sarcaphaguses, canopic jars, linen, tombs and the beautiful house. We designed sarcophaguses for our mummies too!
Once we had finished our mystery stories, I asked you all if you would like to share them with another class. We voted and chose year 6. On Monday, we shared our stories with year 6 and my, were they impressed! They commented on our beautiful handwriting, word choices and great stories. Well done year 3.
This week in maths, we started a new unit on fractions. We recapped a little from y2 to start off with and then we learnt some new vocab, including denominator and numerator. This will be our unit for the new couple of weeks now as we develop our knowledge and confidence in fractions.
We also learned about statistics. We looked at tally charts and pictograms, thinking about what the marks and pictures represent and what it means if there is only half a picture. We found out that the key is important because it unlocks all of the important information we need.
We finished with a lesson about money. We looked at pounds and pence and looked at lots of different ways to make amounts using different coins. We also investigated strategies to help us work out money problems.
In Heartsmart we discussed the saying "No Man is an Island" by John Donne. We thought about what it meant and decided that we needed communities around us such as school, families, friends and clubs.
In our English lessons, we learnt all about the mummification process and decided to write our own set of instructions. We looked at other instructions to discover the features and then used these features to write our own. Your spag lesson this week was all about inverted commas and you listened and focused well. We can't wait to see these in your writing next week.
In geography this week, we started our new unit all about climate. You thought about what you already knew about weather and looked at maps of the world, focusing on locating the equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
In Heartsmart we discussed the saying "No Man is an Island" by John Donne. We thought about what it meant and decided that we needed communities around us such as school, families, friends and clubs.
This week we learnt body parts in French focusing on head, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and put these into head shoulders knees and toes song! We had lots of fun and you sang to each other and some of you performed in front of the class too.
We carried on with our swimming lessons again this half term. You amaze me each week with how much you achieve and your fantastic can do attitudes. Well done year 3 swimmers!
You all looked fantastic for world book day too!! Two dress ups in one week – lucky Year 3s. Thank you to all of your parents for helping you all get ready for these days and looks so great.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street