It's been a fantastic couple of days as we start our Year 2 journey together. Everyone has come back into school after their summer holidays with a fantastic attitude and I am looking forward to the term ahead!
We started by getting used to our new classroom with a scavenger hunt to find lots of different things around the room! After this, we got stuck straight into our brand new topic all about Wybunbury and farming! We quickly noticed that our reading tree was missing all its leaves and so we headed outside to find the local Wybunbury Delves trees! Whilst out there, we completed a leaf hunt – there were so many! We found silver birch, oak and even sycamore leaves!
From this, we were able to create some fantastic observational drawings and also practise the skill of blending using oil pastels. Throughout the week, we were able to add lots of different local leaves to our reading tree and it's really starting to take shape. We also spent time mixing paints to create darker and lighter shades of green. We will share the completed BIG ART when it's finished! The tree fun didn't stop there either! On Friday, we used the iPads to create some fantastic SeeSaw leaf pages. We took pictures of the trees and added them to our pages including text – they were brilliant!
We got back into the rhythm of writing on Thursday as we completed an 'All about me' piece of writing. We made sure to include capital letters, full stops and even managed to squeeze some conjunctions in there too! And, because and but all made an appearance. On Friday, we discussed common and proper nouns and played some challenge games which led us to create some very funny sentences using nouns – well done, team!
On Friday, we used base 10, numicon and place value grids as we recapped 2 digit numbers! It was fantastic to see you working in teams to create and build 2 digit numbers using a range of equipment. It was also great to hear some Maths sentences too! "I have 1 blue numicon which represents 1 ten".
We had an exciting interactive virtual worship on Friday. It was great to see Year 6 and share a song in 'My lighthouse'...
It has been a fantastic start to Year 2 and I am looking forward to Monday. Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Dale
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street