Another fantastic week has flown by in Year 2. We've accomplished so much this week, from designing our unplugged games to perfecting our moulding skills using clay, it's been a busy week!
In English this week, we started our new T4W unit on persuasive writing. We started with our hook as we found the hall full of litter! We got to work tidying and sorting it, it was great fun! We then talked about our cold writes and the targets we had from these. We are now focusing on paragraphing, apostrophes for contraction and adverbs in our writing. We started to learn our new model text full of actions and key persuasive language throughout the week. We also completed a range of short burst writes and warm up games, I can't wait to start the next stage of our writing next week!
In Maths, we looked at our unit on addition and subtraction once more. This week, we looked at addition whereby we need to EXCHANGE ten ones for one ten. We used cones and counters to help us visualise this and by the end of the week, we were completing sums such as 45 + 7 = and 67 + 8 =. Well done, Y2!
In Reading and Phonics we continued to recap key sounds, spellings and practised our comprehension skills throughout the week. You are all reading amazingly well at home, I am so impressed with your reading records and book reviews!
We continued our Art unit on clay this week. We built upon our techniques to sculpt and mould clay, whilst also thinking about the final product we would like to make. Our aim is to create chicken egg holders. We practised building our first chicken and used a range of tools to help us cut, mould and work the clay...
In Computing, we continued our coding journeys with a specific focus on loops and repeats this week. We recapped key vocab and used code studio to loop code to make it much more efficient. We also spent time completing a very fun unplugged activity this week. We used the game Crash Bandicoot to design and programme our own unplugged games. It was fantastic seeing loops and your algorithms on show!
'Getting Busy' and 'Oh What a Whopper' were our performance songs this week. We created our own actions and sang with extra emphasis when singing certain lyrics. We had great fun singing and performing these songs. Such lovely songs to be singing at Harvest time. Next, we were given our recorders. We were extremely excited! We began our recorder unit by following the rhythm of Lazy, Crazy Kangaroo. We had to count in, and then clap the rhythm. We then learnt how to hold our recorders, how to position the mouthpiece, and how to blow into this wind instrument following the rhythms.
In R.E, we continued our learning on emotions and how we can feel better on the inside. We took time to focus on friendship in Friday's lesson. We looked at Jesus and his 12 disciples. We role played the story of Jesus meeting his 12 friends and from this thought about the 12 most important people in our lives. We drew ourselves around our circle of important people, I can't wait to write about them in the next lesson!
On Friday , we completed a mindfulness activity drawing doodles whilst we listened to calming music. It was very relaxing after a busy lunch!
We spent time taking part in Worship over the week. Our favourite worship was certainly watching our Harvest Service together, you were all brilliant!
We also spent time thinking about our littering project this week. As well as writing our persuasive letters about littering, we also designed our own litter posters to put up around school to remind children and adults not to litter!
What a fantastic week we have had!
Mr Dale
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