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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly News: 1.10.21

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A brilliant week has passed us by once more. We've accomplished so much this week, from cracking the column method to completing our colour fun on Friday, it's been an awesome week in Year 2...

In English this week, we have had a focus on SPaG. We looked at adverbs including quickly, slowly and speedily. We were able to put these into our own sentences and even spell them correctly. We also practised our handwriting and copied a poem to see how neat it can be. On a Friday, we started our new unit by completing a cold write. We all wrote a letter to persuade people to stop littering. I can't wait to read them.

In Maths, we looked at our unit on addition and subtraction once more. This week, we looked at the column compact method. We used our tens and ones to help us add 2 digit and 1 digit numbers, it was super fun! We also did some exciting maths in the hall. We used nuncios and created some fantastic column method answers too. We also spent the week completing lots of starter tasks where we used subtraction, addition and times tables.

In Reading and Phonics we continued to recap key sounds, spellings and practised our comprehension skills throughout the week.

In Science, we wrapped up our unit on living things and habitats. We were able to discuss a range of food chains this week, whilst also completing our hot task. It was amazing to see everyone explaining their answers and showing off just how much they have learnt this unit, well done!

We started Art unit on clay this week. We got used to the different ways we can mould and sculpt clay. We practised rolling, pinching and finished by creating our own free designs, they were fantastic! We also sgraffito tools to add an extra design element to our creations – well done!

In Computing, we spent time focusing upon our first online safety lesson. We spoke about the different types of things we can do online, whilst also thinking about the steps we can take to stay safe. We used the website passwordchecker to discuss how we can create a strong password. Can you remember yours?

In R.E, we continued our learning on emotions and how we can feel better on the inside. We used a range of different feelings and wrote sentences about when we have felt different feelings throughout our lives, a week or even in a day! Well done, team!

On Friday , we had so much fun when we all completed the colour fun together. It was such a blast running through the coloured smoke and was so funny to see everyone covered in lots of bright colours by the end.

We also spent time putting together our Harvest. We read all of our words beautifully and it was fantastic to hear about the message of Harvest. We can't wait to share it with parents and carers.

What a fantastic week we have had!

Mr Dale

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