It's been a brilliant first week of Year 2 as we have started our new routine. We've achieved so much this week from beginning our coding journeys to investigating strange goings on involving a giant and a beanstalk!
In English, we were shocked to find that our classroom had been covered in green beans! We also found giant torn trousers and a letter hanging from the ceiling. We read the letter and found out it was from Jack...he told us all about a giant sneaking into the classroom and a giant beanstalk appearing all around Wybunbury! We spent the week learning our story and practising the actions too. We also completed a series of short burst writes including using adjectives and writing fantastic sentences. It has been a fantastic week of English and I can't wait until next week where we will be planning our own versions of the story.
Our phonics sessions will start next week, so until then we have been taking some time to look at SPaG. Throughout the week we have discussed common and proper nouns, whilst also focusing upon noun phrases and conjunctions to help us with our writing. Well done, Y2!
In Maths, we started our new Power Maths unit on place value. We got stuck straight into it and discussed some of the key words we'd be using. From this, we were able to represent two digit numbers in a range of ways including base ten, numicon, place value charts and part wholes! This helped us to answer a range of Power Maths questions and challenges throughout the week. We will continue our place value investigations next week. On Friday, we logged into our TTRS accounts for the first time and earnt lots of coins. You all did so well, I can't wait to see how quick you all get!
In Science, we started our new unit on "Living things". We talked about our previous learning and completed a pre-assessment sheet to see what we already know. From this, we discussed life processes and how we know something is alive. We spoke about movement, breathing and the other processes to show that something is alive. We also now know that plants are alive too! We created a table and organised different things into living, never alive and dead. On Wednesday, we looked at habitats and the different types animals need to live. We played a scavenger hunt game and drew animals in the correct habitats!
In R.E, we started our new big question of Jesus and how he lived as good news. We spoke about how you can make someone feel better on the inside and on the outside. This led us to make get well soon cards for people who might be feeling unwell in an attempt to make them feel better on the inside.
In Computing, we starting our code studio journeys. We learnt how to log on and completed our lesson on building code. We spoke about how code is like a computer language and watched a game to demonstrate this. You were able to code your sprites to move up, down, left and right! Fantastic stuff, Y2!
In History, we started our learning about farming. We spoke about what we already know and then how we think farming may have changed over the years. We looked at lots of different equipment and had to decide whether this was "now or in the past". We will complete a timeline lesson next week to begin to plot some of the changes in farming!
On Thursday, we had an extra P.E lesson which was delivered by SportsScape. It was fantastic to see your gymnastic skills on show. You were all so brave when you performed your routines in front of the class.
Wow, what a brilliant start to our year 2 music lessons! Miss Holland was really impressed with how much we remembered from last year! We began the lesson by finding the pulse to the background music of our new song 'Music Is In My Soul.' We listened to the lyrics of this song and we had to think about how this music made us feel, the instruments we could identify and what style of music we thought it was. We decided this soul music was upbeat and made us feel happy and rather joyful. We discovered the tempo was quite fast and the sound of the song was spiky (staccato). The beat was also steady all the way through and the music was quite loud. To link in with our farming topic, we learnt a song called 'Getting Busy.' We had so much fun creating actions to accompany our song lyrics. At the end of the lesson, we talked about our favourite part of our music lessons. It became clear that singing is definitely our favourite thing to do!
It has been a fantastic week in Year 2 and I am looking forward to Monday. Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Dale
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