We have had a great week again this week. We enjoyed another John Muir session, experimented with iMovie for our computing project, carried out science experiments, learnt about climate zones and much more.
Let's start off with what we have been doing in our Maths and English. In Maths this week, we have been learning about tenths, hundredths and thousandths. We have been learning how they are linked to each other and how we can write these types of numbers as decimals and fractions. We have also been finding out what the equivalent decimals and fractions are for quarters, halves and three quarters. In English, we have started our 'Shared Write'. We have been using the tools and tips of our model text to help us craft our wishing tale stories. We have made a great start. We have also been recapping our SPaG knowledge of modal verbs (also known as adverbs of probability).
For our John Muir session this week, we stayed within the school grounds and had fun pond dipping and bug hunting. The night before, Mrs Tibbetts set up a moth trap in our forest school area. We waited expectantly to see what had been caught during the night but unfortunately there wasn't anything there this time. Luckily, Bill (a Natural England volunteer) had more success with his moth trap at home. We got to see and hold different moth species and were fascinated by the amazing facts Bill shared. It was then time to go bug hunting and pond dipping. We separated into two groups and went exploring. At the school pond, we found more than we were expecting too. This included a water boatman, a leech and lots of other interesting things. When we went bug hunting, we found a bumblebee, a parasitic fly (which was very intriguing) and many more things too. We had lots of fun and enjoyed being out and about in the school grounds again.
In Music, you have been getting prepared for our Young Voices concert. You practised singing numerous songs and medleys as well as the accompanying dance moves. In P.E with Mrs Jenkins this week, you learnt about five of the main volleyball shots which are called spike, dig, set, block and the underarm serve. Then you worked in groups around five different stations, each with a focus on one particular shot. At the stations there was a variety of equipment laid out like cones, hoops and different sized and weights balls. Once you had rotated around every station, you used field lines or cones as a net and played short games where you tried to use all of the shots you had learned.
In our science lesson this week, we explored dissolving. We learnt about the difference between melting and dissolving and then carried out an experiment. This required us to think carefully about the variables we would need to keep the same in order to carry out a fair test. We had fun carrying on the experiment and learnt that when a solid dissolves into a liquid it creates a solution.
In our Geography lesson, we continued learning about climate zones. First, we played a game to see if we could remember the six different zones. They we investigated what they were like. We learnt about the average rainfall, the average temperature and the characteristics of each one.
On Friday, it was time for art and computing. We started our art unit off by learning about Georgia O'Keeffe. She is our focus artist for this term. We explored her artwork and learnt that she was an abstract artists. We also learnt about her life too. We used this information to create a fact file. Finally, iMovie was the focus of our computing session. We experimented with the different features in the app and go to grips with how an iMovie can be created. We will be using this to help us create our Amazon video.
I hope you're having a lovely weekend,
Miss P
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