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C of E Primary School

Y2 Weekly News: 15.10.21

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We have had another fantastic week in Y2. We've been clay creators, coding experts and completed our drug and alcohol units throughout this week...

In English this week, we continued our new T4W unit on persuasive writing. We started with practising the actions to our last paragraph and thought about how this could help us in the next stage of our writing. We boxed up our paragraphs, looked at our targets and thought about what we wanted to include in our writing this week. We changed our topic slightly to focus upon recycling and I was amazed by your fantastic writing. We all wrote in paragraphs, used contractions, adverbs and persuasive language throughout our letters – I can't wait for our hot writes next week!

In Maths, we continued to focus upon addition and subtraction. This week, we looked at exchanging 1 ten for 10 ones when subtracting numbers such as 43 – 6. We used practical equipment such as counters to help visualise this. We moved onto adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers by the end of the week, whilst we also used SeeSaw to help us explain the column method – well done!

In Reading and Phonics we continued to recap key sounds, spellings and practised our comprehension skills throughout the week. You all continued to read well at home and I'm blown away by the amazing book reviews you have been leaving!

We were all very impressed with the pinch pots we created in art this week. Firstly we recapped the skills that we had already learnt to mould the clay in different ways. We then looked at how to pinch and rotate the clay to create a clay egg holder. It was lovely to see you work creatively with your designs to add handles and extra details. By the end of the session we decided adding handles can be quite tricky so we shared ideas and helped each other think about how to best attach them. A great job Year 2!

Throughout the week, we focused upon our drug and alcohol unit. We started by thinking about what we mean by the word risk and discussed safe and unsafe situations. This led us to think about different situations that could be dangerous and unsafe. We looked at a range of household items that are hazardous including bleach, matches and washing up liquid. We closely inspected the bottles and cans, finding all about the hazard symbols there to protect us. We finished the week by recapping all of our learning, as well as looking at pictures to identify the hazards. Well done, Y2!

In Computing, we continued our coding journeys and carried on to develop our looping skills. We used our Crash game to focus upon different loops in action and recapped our key vocab. We then used code studio to practise coding a sprite to gather gems. We ensured we used loops to make our coding efficient, well done, team!

This week in our HeartSmart lesson, we looked at how families may look different but they should all be places of love and security. We watched and listened to Boris' story and spoke about his family members. We then thought about family members Boris may have that we haven't heard about. We learnt that all families are different and have different people in them. As other families may look different to our own, we know they should all have one thing in common – family should be a place where we feel loved and cared for. Bible reference – 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.... 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

In Geography, we started our new unit on our local village of Wybunbury. We started by completing a cold task about what we already know about our local area. We then moved on to thinking about sketch maps. We used google maps to see an aerial viewpoint or a birds eye view of our school and the surrounding area. We were able to colour code the different parts of our school including car parks, forest school and even the classrooms. Well done!

In R.E, we continued our learning on emotions and how we can feel better on the inside. We took time to focus on friendship in Friday's lesson. We recapped our work on the 12 disciples and started by going back to our work in the previous lesson. We wrote sentences about our 12 most important people and the feelings we felt towards them. From this, we started to create our own emotions board after discussing how Jesus felt during certain stories in the bible. We will use the emotions board to note how we are feeling at the start of each and every day.

We spent time taking part in Worship over the week. Our favourite worship was certainly when Reverend Alison as she used our classroom to deliver a worship to the rest of the school!

What a fantastic week we have had!

Mr Dale

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