Welcome Reception Class to the start of our great learning adventure together.
I have been so proud of how you have come into school independently and settled into the rhythms and routines of our class and school day.
We have practiced what it is to be a good listener and understood why listening is important. This helped us to all enjoy story time together, where we have begun to explore our class story 'Mr Gumpy by John Burningham. During our story we encountered some new vocabulary, so we used our new skill of talking partners to discuss and work together what those new words meant. We also used some great prediction skills to think how the story might end by using the cues and clues in the story. As the story has lots of different characters that appear we have also started to add some Makaton actions to support our Talk for Writing, which we will be exploring in the coming weeks.
As many of our photographs show, we have explored the different development areas of provision in the classroom. The kitchen has been particularly busy today, setting up a cake shop and cafe. My plastacine made summer pudding and cup of tea were absolutely delicious! I can't wait to see what wonderful creations we make next week.
Have a super weekend and get plenty of rest, ready for next week.
Mrs Ward and Miss Alex.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street