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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Y5 10.06.22

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Welcome back everybody! I can't believe it's our last half term together, and the first week back has already flown by!

This week in maths, we have been focusing on decimals. We have been revising our skills of how to add and subtract decimals. We remembered that there are a few key rules to remember. The most important one is that you need to make sure each digit is in the correct place value column. We then used our skills to solve some word problems.

In English, we have been thinking about our favourite animals. We discussed which animals were our favourites and why they would make a good pet. We then tried to persuade each other by writing a persuasive leaflet.

This week, our afternoon lessons have focused around study work, Art and Geography. In Art, we have continued with our project on Georgia O'Keeffe. Before half term, we investigated her artistic style. This half term, we will be having a go at painting our own flowers in her style. To help us do this, we have been practicing our colour mixing skills. We recapped how to make secondary and tertiary colours and learnt how to create shades and hues. We then moved on to colour matching. You were each given half of a flower and you had to draw and colour match the other half. You all concentrated hard on this and it was lovely to see the finished results.

In Geography, we have been learning about the world's biomes. A biome is an area of the earth that shares a climate and a set of creatures and plants that are specifically adapted to live within that area. We learnt that the world has 7 major biomes and we located them on a map. We then used the iPads to carry out research on a biome of our choice and create an informative poster about it.

We have also done R.E this week. In R.E, we have started a new topic all about the Holy Spirit. For our first lesson, we talked about the special events that we have been to such as weddings and birthday parts. We discussed what made them special and the activities people did during the event. It was lovely to hear about all the special things you've been to and what made them important and memorable to you.

In P.E this week, you practised your Town Sports skills in readiness for the main event. You recounted the techniques involved in the field events of javelin (where you need to transfer your weight from back leg to front to add power to our throw), high jump (where you must run in a curved approach and use a straight leg) and long jump (where you bring your knees up high). During your lesson, you also practised for the track events of hurdles, bean bag race and rely. For hurdles, you learnt that it is important to stay stay low over the hurdles and take them in our natural running stride. For the bean bag race, you learnt about the importance of picking up the bean bag whilst turning and in relay you focused on reaching out with the baton€ and holding the baton correctly ready for handover.

Finally, for our HeartSmart lesson this week, you discussed how to recognise bullying in all its forms – verbal, physical, social and cyber. You were given a variety of behaviours to cut out and sort into the different bullying types. You also discussed what we can do if we were ever bullied or know someone else who is. You know that bullying will always be taken seriously at Wybunbury Delves.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss P

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