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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 10:09:2021

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We have completed ou first full week Reception Class – hurray!

It has been a very busy week as we have introduced more activities to our day.
Let's share our learing...

In our Literacy Development, we have introduced a story map for 'Mr Gumpy's outing' our story for this term. Building upon our prior work of learning the different actions for the characters last week, we put them all together to help retell the story. Some of us have been very keen to make our own story maps to retell the story. Great work.
For our writing tasks, we have practiced recognising and writing our names, identifying the starting and finishing positions of the letters.

In our Mathematical Development, we have begun to count simple objects and actions in the classroom, reinforcing the concept of numbers, the number names and number order to familirise ourselves with how we use numbers in our everyday life. We look forward to starting our Power Maths sessions next week.

In our Physical Development, we have explored the skills of finding a space, walking forwards and backwards, stopping when instructed and negotiting space safely with Mrs Swan on Monday. After our warm up 'Bean Game' we practiced our skills, ensuring our heads were up and we walked by planting the heel first and pushed off from the balls of our feet as we travelled in different directions. Who knew walking backwards could be such fun?

Each day this week we have also completed the daily mile track before snacktime, we like to build up an appitite!. We have chosen our own pace of whether to walk, jog or run. We are mostly doing a mixture of all three depending how quickly we tire.

In our first gymnastic session on Thursday, we looked at developing our skills of walking and balancing along a beam, jumping from a standing position with our two feet together and landing safely on two feet. We built upon our previous lesson's knowledge about being safe when tackling new challenges, travelling safely on equipment and turn taking. After our warm up we watched a demonstrating of an adult balancing along the beam and used talking partners to discuss how they had used they body effectively, using their arms to help their balance. We then each had a practice at walking along different sized beams using our arms for balance. After watching a demonstrating of jumping and landing from different gym equipment we discovered that to jump safely, we put our feet together, bend our knees and look forward, landing safely on two feet. As you can see from the pictures, we developed our confidence very quickly.

In our Communication and Language Development, we have shared our trips and journeys uploaded on Seesaw in some detail, making sure we used our big voices showing an awareness of the listeners. There has definately been some fun days out over the summer, steam train rides have been very popular!

In our Creative Arts and Design Development we have used mirrors to look at the features on our face to create a self portrait. Using paints we blended different colours together to make the correct shade and tones for our face colouring, eys and hair. We then explored how the artist Pablo Picasso used different shapes and colours in his portraits. We thought they looked unusual as the features were not in the same place as our portraits, but we really enjoyed having a go at painting some using bright colours.

During our snack times this week we have listened to the composer Beethoven and some of his earlier work. We thought he was very clever to play the piano at avery young age. We thought his music was soothing. It was asked if we could have a piano in the class to learn to play too!
Watch this space.

This week we have joined worship via Zoom and have been very excited to see the rest of the school in their classrooms. On Thursday, we hosted worship for the rest of the school and told the story of Jonny Appleseed as we explored the Christian value of generosity linked to our worship theme of The Royal law 'Love their neighbour as yourself' Mark 12:31.
After each worship we have had time to refelct on the message and how we can be a good friend to others and thing about how we can give our time to others.

Thank you for a fantastic week Reception Class.
Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you again on Monday

Mrs Ward

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