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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 08.10.21

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Reception class, we have had a wonderful end to our week and feel very blessed that our families joined us today to celebrate Harvest with our Messy Church session.

From printing apple harvest cards, creating harvest door wreaths, making harvest crowns and best of all decorating harvest biscuits, we have crafted away the afternoon. I think from the smiles on the grownups faces that they enjoyed it too!

As a class, we have had an amazing response from the school community with our courageous advocacy project for this year. Donations have been coming in steadily all week for the Nantwich Foodbank and we are very grateful for everyone's generosity.
'A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

Let us share our learning from this week...

In our Physical Development, we focused on negotiating space and learnt a new skill of sliding to the left and right. We warmed up our bodies using our car journey making sure we could safely move backwards in reverse, run in a circular motion around the roundabout, run and leap over speed bumps, run fast on the motorway and move very slowly in the traffic jam. We learnt how to slide to the left and right and used our new skill to play musical sliding, standing like a statue when the music stopped. To finish our lesson we played a game of cat and mouse sliding, using all of actions from the lesson to see if our partner could copy us exactly.

In our Expressive Arts and Design Development, we listened to Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder. We were able to find the pulse by clapping and dancing along, and discovered we could hear some drums and a guitar in the song. Some children decided that they were not sure if they liked the song at the start as it was slow but everyone decided that they liked it by the chorus. We continued to sing our nursery rhymes this week and the children were able to recognise all the different objects that were in 'This old man' and remember all the words that were in the nursery rhymes. To finish off our music lesson we sang the 'name song'.

Within our Understanding of the World, we explored a photo from over 100 years ago. This gave us a starting point to find out more about how objects can be described as old and new. Using different examples, we sorted out the objects and described why something might be old. We used our cutting skills to cut and arrange photos of the objects carefully. At the end of the lesson, we created a timeline and talked about what new and old materials are made from.

In our Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we thought about ways which we can tell how a person is feeling, like what they say, their facial expression, their actions, their body language. After rereading the Boris story, we worked together to think how the different characters were feeling and why.
Boris says, 'When we notice our friends are feeling sad we can help to cheer them up.'
Which links to our bible quote: 'So comfort each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now.' 1 Thessalonians 5:11
This gave us the opportunity to think how we could cheer up or help the different characters.

In our wellbeing time, we met up with our year 6 buddies to play together on Fort Lewis, the trim trail, read stories in the forest school area and attempting to out run them on the Daily Mile track.

In our Mathematical Development, we have been comparing quantities of identical objects in groups, using the language more, fewer and less to describe them. As the week progressed, we started to use cubes to represent the objects. We discovered you needed a starting point to make comparisons and that if the objects were lined up, it was easier to see which group had more and inversely which group had less or fewer. In our practical tasks we built upon our understanding of more and fewer by finding more or fewer or the same as something abstract.

In our Literacy Development, we looked at different posters and worked out what type of information they conveyed to people. We identified that they had a title like a book, a large picture that people would enjoy looking at and some written information. We also shared posters that we had made at home as part of our home school link to display around school for our Nantwich Foodbank Project. Using a template, we created some more posters, ensuring they had all the features we had discussed earlier.

In our Communication and Language Development, we have continued to read a range of books and poems daily from our reading challenge basket. As we are becoming familiar with stories, we are starting to join in with the story language and make comparisons with other stories. We spotted that the Hedgehog in 'Don't Hog the Hedge' was similar to Mr Gumpy in allowing characters into his home as long as they did not behave in a certain way.

In our free play in continuous provision, our interests have led us to set up and play shops using real coins to pay for the fruit and vegetables and to discover how many different surfaces the magnets stick to in the classroom. We have also discovered the magnetic wands are great at collecting any coins that fall on the floor!

Mrs Ward and Miss Alex.

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