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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 05:11:21

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Welcome back to a new term Reception Class, it was lovely to see you all rested and excited to continue in your learning journey.

Let's share in our learning this week...

In our Communication and Language Development, we have taken turns to be good listeners and speakers. Lots of us couldn't wait to share with everyone what we had done with our families in the holiday, so it was lovely to tell the group in our speaking voices, making sure all could hear. I think some of us have come back to school for a rest as it seemed as if most of us had a very busy week at home!

In our Physical Development, we focused on using our bodies and the words of a poem to create shapes, movements and feelings. We warmed up our bodies with our corners game, dancing when the music is on and then running to a corner to perform an animal action when the music stopped. As a group we then read our poem 'African Animals' and decided the actions to put to the words. We practised our actions and put them into a performance of our poem. We used some of the actions from our poem to then add to our motif from our last lesson, which we practiced to 'King of The Swingers' from the Jungle Book.

In our Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we looked at an image of a crown and worked together to recognise that it was the crown that the Queen wears. We then talked about how important and special the queen was and so are we. Taking turns, we talked about how each and everyone of us is special, by talking about each other's qualities.

Boris our HeartSmart robot says, 'We are all special and important.' Linked to our bible quote 'I am a child of God.' 1 John 3:1

Using craft materials, we made and decorated our own crown to show how special and important we are.

In our wellbeing time, we enjoyed sharing story books with our year 6 buddies and completed some mindful colouring whilst listening to some calming, relaxing music.

In our Mathematical Development, we focused on 2D shapes, using their shapes names and describing their different properties. We explored shapes in different orientations and understood that it was still the same shape even if it was shown rotated in different positions. Then we used 3D shapes to print and explored the different 2D prints we could make, for example we discovered that we could print a square and a rectangle by using the different sized sides on a cuboid.

In our Literacy Development, we listened to our new class story 'How to make Apple Pie and see the World and discussed the structure of the story using first, then and now sentence openers. We were fascinated to discover all the different countries that she travelled to, just to collect her ingredients and so for our Understanding the World Development, we got out our large world map and placed a small doll on each of the countries.

We then used the story book to remind ourselves of the different ingredients collected and then placed them on the countries too. We are excited to discover where some of our favourite foods come from too next week.

In our Expressive Arts and Design Development, we explored the Christmas Nativity Story in preparation for acting it out for our families and started to learn our very first songs. Very exciting!

In our independent learning time we have followed our interests and used the Tap Tap shapes boards to create shape pictures, made 2D shape cookies and biscuits from dough, printed "D shapes, built assault courses for our friends to travel over and enjoyed colouring pictures.

And finally , we said a fond farewell to Miss Alex as she embarks on her next big adventure in the police force. As she reminded us she has been here since she was 5 and only left for a short while to go to big school. She has very much been a part of our Wybunbury family and we wish her well in her new career.

Enjoy your weekend, I think we have all earned it this week!

Mrs Ward and Miss Alex

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