What a fantastic way to finish our week Reception class, with an explosion of colour as we took part in the sponsored colour run to raise funds towards the Team Lewis Trust and an outdoor theatre area for the school grounds. After reading Elmer, we'd hoped to look like him at the end. I think we achieved this! Well done reception class, as ever, you were absolutely brilliant!
It has been another busy week and we are excited to share our learning with you.
In our language and communication development, we have been making video recordings to share with the school community and our families about the Nantwich Foodbank, which we will be supporting this year for our courageous advocacy. In our discussion time we knew the word 'bank' and understood it as a place to save money as well as take money out. This helped us to quickly work out that a foodbank would be a place to give food to and take food away from.
After reading a letter that we have received from the foodbank with a list of food that they need to help make emergency food parcels at this time of the year, we explored what emergency might mean in this context. Our understanding was, it would be an emergency if you ran out of food at home and didn't have any money to buy some more.
We will be inviting the school community to join us next week in supporting their work in our local community by making a donation, if they are able to do so.
"Whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." Proverbs 11:25
In our literacy development, we thought about where we see labels and their purpose. We found lots of labels around the classroom that give us information and help us to find or sort our resources. We then wrote labels for our food donations for the Nantwich Foodbank to help us organise and sort them into food groups. Using our segmenting and blending skills developed in our daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions, we used our 'Fred fingers' to sound out words, counted the numbers of sounds needed to write them and then wrote them down.
Our focus for our mathematical development, was to count to 5 using the principles we developed in week 1 and 2. For our starter we practiced the skill of subitising groups of objects, rather than having to count them. In our discover session we used our dolls to set up a '5' birthday party, counting out 5 plates and cups. we even managed to make some cakes with the number 5 on them out of playdough. In our thinking together session we focused on order irrelevance, using images of five objects places in different orders. We understood that it didn't matter how we arranged the objects, there was still 5. To challenge ourselves, we counted numbers up to and including 5 in different formations to address any misconceptions, that 5 is only 5 if it is presented in a certain way. For our reflection we created a 5 party in our Power Maths journal.
In our creative arts and design development, we explored the music of 'The Carpenters.' We liked the soft tones of the singer. We imagined we were animals while keeping the pulse of the music. Then we watched an orchestra and did a drawing of the instrument we could imagine playing.
In our understanding the world development, we listened to the story 'the parable of the good Samaritan' from Luke 10:25-37, as part of our RE unit on Good news-Gospel.
We understood that a parable was a made up story by Jesus for people to learn from. With our talking partners we concluded that the good news was that the good Samaritan helped the man who was hurt. As we looked more closely at the story, we set out a story pathway with the sequenced story and explored how the characters were feeling at different stages of the story and used our emotion monsters to show the range of emotions.
In our personal, social and emotional development, we worked together to take turns and play cooperatively with the help of Boris our Heartsmart robot. Boris had an empty space in his toolbox as he had run out out screws and nuts. To help Boris refill his toolbox, we had to take turns to roll a dice and whichever number we rolled, we could add that many screws on our toolbox game board. What was lovely was how we encouraged and supported each other throughout the game. Boris was very pleased now his toolbox is full.
Boris says it's great when we help each other.
This links to our Bible reference from 1 Peter 1:2 "Love each other deeply with all your heart."
It was great fun to join our year 6 buddies for our wellbeing time again this week. We enjoyed playing on Fort Lewis, the trim trail, the daily mile track and in the forest school area. Thank you year 6, we really look forward to our time spent with you and can't wait for our time together each week.
As part of our physical development, we learnt how to jump carefully using one foot and then both feet. We learnt that bending our knees helped us land properly. We were very good at listening and following instructions, turn taking, sharing the space and sharing the equipment. We can now move freely around the hall space with pleasure and confidence.
Have a super weekend
Mrs Ward and Miss Alex
01270 841302
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Bridge Street