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C of E Primary School

PE News 11.2.22

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What a brilliant week of PE!

Year 1 continued our animal dance topic. This week we used pictures as stimuli for our movements. As we moved around the hall we would stop by a selection of animal photos and perform an action for that animal. We used what we had learned so far about how the animals move to decide if it was slow, fast, big, small etc. We linked the actions together to create fantastic short dances.

Year 2 carried on with our space dance. We used the same technique as year one and created actions to space words and pictures. We were planets, astronauts, black holes, on a space walk, rockets, asteroids and even the International Space Station! We also used action words such as spin, whizz, slow, giant, circle and shoot to help us perform various movements. We produced some amazing dances!

Year 3 recapped our Egyptian dance moves from the last few weeks. We created our own set of hieroglyphics and transformed each picture into an action. We tried to keep our movements in time to the beat of the music and linked them all together to create a short dance. We were brilliant!

Year 4 continued our gymnastics unit. We thought about all of the different movements we have practised and then created a short sequence to show off our super moves! We also worked in pairs to try and mirror each others actions. We used the apparatus and benches to perform on different levels with fantastic results!

Years 5 and 6 carried on our Health Related Fitness unit. This week saw us revisiting week one. We performed the shuttle runs again, with the aim of trying to beat our previous score. We also did the flexion test again to see whether this terms' work has helped us to become more flexible. We finished off with a short stretching session to relax our muscles after we had worked so hard!

Another wonderful week, well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jenkins

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