It's lovely to be back in school. It's been another super week!
Years 1 and 2 continued with gymnastics. We concentrated on creating short routines containing zig-zag and semi-circle pathways on the floor and apparatus. We had some wonderful interpretations and used every bit of the benches, over and under. We then performed our routines brilliantly for the rest of the class.
Year 3 also carried on with our gymnastics unit. Again, we created short routines in pairs or threes and had to find ways of getting on and off the apparatus using spins and pulls and pushes. We worked brilliantly in our pairs and created some outstanding routines.
Year 4 continued with our Vikings dance. This week we tried chance choreography. We had a list of formation variations e.g. canon, numbered 1-6 and a list of actions e.g. long boat, also numbered 1-6. We had to roll a dice to pick a formation then roll again for an action. We did this numerous times and then created a routine from our results. It was great fun!
Year 5 took part in play leader training with Chris Hughes, the SGO for Crewe & Nantwich Sports Partnership. We had a short classroom session looking at the roles of play leaders and then worked outside on practical activities.
Year 6 began our waltz. We followed a tutorial from a professional dance instructor and then practised what we had learned. We completed the basic box step, for the leader and follower, and then added turns, rise and fall and sway. It was tricky at the start but we soon got the hang of it!
A quick plea! Please would parents check your child has the correct PE hoody. We have several that have no names in and some that have gone missing that are labelled. If your child has the wrong hoody please send it into school so we can reunite it with it's owner.
Another great week of PE again with some super performances and brilliant skills! Well done everyone!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Jenkins
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street