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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week

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We have covered so many areas in our learning this week and I am proud of each and everyone of you. We are nearly at the end of our first half term in Y6 and we are now flying. From completing challenging tasks in class to 100% of our homework activities you are stars. Each day you work your way through our morning maths starters and mark them all before 9am, truly amazing!

This week in maths we have mastered the trickiest area of our learning so far, long division. We have tackled this area using factors, jottings, chunking and formal long division. We have persevered and persevered and we are now getting there. We will continue with this area next week. We have also completed a times tables test today and we are now competing against the clock.

In english this week we have focused on speech and determiners in our writing. We have created different paragraphs of speech and thought carefully about the tags we are using and the action that is happening. We have also recapped the different categories of determiners and we now know that they always come before a noun or an adjective. We will move onto a different area of grammar next week.

In our spellings lessons this week we have continued to focus on suffixes and how a suffix can change the class of a word. For example, dance the verb becomes dancer the noun by adding er to the root word. We are thoroughly enjoying our new way of learning our spellings.

During our book club this week we have all read with adults and we are now tasked with a new question to answer.

Our history lesson this week focused on pull and push factors. These were the different reasons a person may leave their home for and whether they were for a positive or negative reason. We played a tug of war game to think about them and then we went on to define the terms migrant, asylum seeker and refugee. We finally chose a class friend to interview. We thought about someone in our class that had travelled from another country and penned three questions to ask. Henry took the hot seat and was a great interviewee. Well done Henry and thank you for taking on this role.

In geography this week we continued to think about developed and developing countries. We used our atlases and iPad time to research important factors and collated them into a table ready for discussion next week.

In science this week we revisited our bird beak buffet results. We learnt about Bar Charts and the important rules when creating them. We then presented our results using a bar chart and found the labelling a challenge. We will perfect these ready to display in our study work books. From the graph, we created three scientific questions. Well done Y6.

In french this week we recapped our knowledge of numbers and days of the week and then went on to new learning – months of the year. We found out that months of the year are named after Greek gods and leaders and that we follow a calendar dating back to Julius Caesar's time 45 BCE. We will continue with this next week.

During our music lesson this week we began to learn a song that reflects our class motto of being a team. We chose a song from SingUp's song of the week and we learnt the first two verses. We also played our glockenspiels to accompany the well-known track Happy.

In RE this week we thought about a question we would like to ask God and revisited our artwork. These will now be displayed on our RE display.

PE and PHSE has taken place with Mrs Jenkins

We were joined today by PC Nick who began our session discussing the safety around bonfire and Halloween night. He then delivered our E-safety unit on staying safe online. A great discussion took place around different forums and games being played. We discussed the importance of knowing who you are playing with especially if you join online games.

New homework has been set. This includes: Spag.com online, TT Rock Stars and regular reading aloud with comprehension questions being completed ready for next week. I will also be setting some maths homework. Please log in to either Power Maths or Maths.co.uk to see what your activity is.

You have all been so busy this week and you have achieved so much. Well done Y6. One more week to go and then a well-earned break to recharge your batteries and enjoy some well-deserved family time. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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