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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News!

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In our Maths lessons this week, we have continued to develop our place value knowledge. This week, however, we made the huge jump to working with numbers up to 1000000. This has meant that our place value grid has grown and we are now representing numbers with unfree thousands and millions. We have been able to identify the values within numbers, place numbers up to 100,0000 on a number line and compare and order numbers to a million. I am so impressed with how confident you have been.

In our writing this week, we have delved deeper into our time-slip text. Our text about clock close has developed throughout the week. Billy travelled back in time to see clock close back when it was a clock workshop. We have continued to learn the text this week whilst playing lots of exciting games to get our creative minds going and develop our vocabulary. We have also created our own 'time-slip toolkit' to identify the key features of this text and have started to 'box up' the text to understand the structure. Next week, will be writing our own version of a time-slip text. In our spelling lessons this week, we have been learning how to add the 'able' suffix to words.

On Monday, we started our Music unit for this term. We will be using ukuleles to perform a well-known song. So, start our learning, we explored the song in detail. Our song this term is 'Living on a prayer' by Boni Jovi. As we listened to the music, we considered the following questions: do we like the song? What can we hear? What is the style of the music? Then we looked at the structure of the music and we explored when there was the chorus, verse, instrumental solo and pre-chorus. As part of Mindful Monday this week, we listened to more music and spent time doodling to create our own music front covers for the first page in our music books. The children loved spending their time lost in the music.

We did French on Tuesday. We have now learnt how to say a wide variety of clothes in French by asking what is in the wardrobe and giving a response. Using picture cards, the children tested out each other's French knowledge. Later in the afternoon, we learnt about children's lives in the Victorian era. In particular, we focused on school life. Did you know that Wybunbury Delves Primary was a charity school built in 1822 for boys of the village? By using pictures and quotes as our starting point, we have learnt about what life was like for children who attended school back in the Victorian times. We then compared this to what school is like now. I must say I am very glad things have changed!

On Wednesday, we worked like scientists to find out that Forces can be measured with force meters using the measurement Newtons. We also designed a poster to share our understanding of gravity using facts and labelled diagrams. The poster competition winners will be announced next week! In PSHE, our Heartsmart focus was to research King Richard I. We explored why he was called Richard the LionHeart. Courageous, brave and an exceptional leader were some of our responses as we thought about his reputation. We found out that this could also be referred to as his heart reputation, and we considered what we would like our heart reputation to be. Year 5 you made  many thoughtful responses, well done. 

In our RE lesson on Thursday this week, we have been learning more about the role of a prophet. We read The Story of Daniel from the Old Testament discussing how Daniel is an example of one of the prophets who shared messages from God. After reading the text, we explored why Daniel was a good choice for a prophet, what good qualities he had and how he was a good example of how Christians should believe in God. You all came up with so many amazing ideas as to why Daniel was a good choice for a prophet. We then moved on to look at how Daniel will have felt throughout different parts of his life and created an emotions graph to represent this.

On Friday, we were lucky enough to have a PE lesson delivered by Sportscape. In our lesson, we started of by testing our agility using a course which had been set up for us. We had to do power jumps, sprints, throwing a ball and practising our aim by hitting stumps with a tennis ball. After this, we took part in a game of diamond cricket which involved four batters, four backstops, a bowler and fielders. We were taught how to play and then worked as teams to be get the most runs. Throughout the week, we have also been taking part in the daily mile. It is amazing to see how many of you manage to run a mile each day!

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Welch

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