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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News!

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This week, we have been historians, scientists, linguists, sportsmen and sportswomen and all round fantastic people!

Throughout our English lessons this week, we have been learning our talk for writing. We are exploring a time slip text based on Clock Close. In our story, Billy finds a battered box on the empty streets of Clock Close. When he picks it up, something strange happens... next week will find out what happens to Billy and the old and battered box. We have started to consider how fronted adverbials are used within this piece, how we can use these in our own writing and how onomatopoeia is used in the final paragraph we explored and what impact this had on the reader.

Pronouns and Relative Pronouns featured within our SPaG lessons this week. We enjoyed showing our understanding of relative pronouns when we played guessing games as a class. In our spelling lessons this week, we have focused on learning words with the ending 'ible'. We also looked at adding word changers to these words by adding il, in, im and ir.

In our Maths lessons this week, we have finished our first unit of place value. We have been finding 10,000 on a number line, comparing and ordering numbers to 100,000 and rounding to 100, 1000 and 10,000. We have worked really hard this week to push ourselves to develop a deeper understanding of numbers above 10,000. Our place value knowledge is continuing to grow each day.

This week, we have continued to develop our knowledge of Queen Victoria through our History lessons. We used the information which we found last week to create fact files of her life. In particular, we focused on her family, reign, ... and interesting facts. The children appeared to have enjoyed finding out about the tiny Queen and had many facts to share.

In Science we explored what the term Force means in a variety of contexts and then discussed what we knew about gravity, friction and air resistance. Drawing labelled diagrams was the main focus of our learning this week. We identified how forces can change the shape, speed or direction of an object. 

How would you compare the characteristics of a boss and a leader? In PSHE Year 5 worked with their learning partners to explore how a leader demonstrates, encourages and considers the person as well as the task. We learnt about what makes a good leader and how this relates to being Heartsmart. 

In our mindfulness lessons this week, we have started to create our own portrait art work. Half of our face was a realistic representation of ourselves whilst the other was filled with images of what makes us special and individual. The children started by writing down their ideas of what made them special and then used this to create their art work.

We were French experts this week. On Thursday we recapped colours in French. I was absolutely blown away by the children's memories. They were able to remember everything they had already learnt. We put our knowledge in to practice by identifying the colour of items around the classroom. As we worked so well through our colours lesson, on Friday, we moved on to learn about clothes. We are now able to ask 'what is in the wardrobe?' in French and respond with many different words. Interestingly, many items in French are almost the same as in English so these were super easy to remember. To help us learn the trickier words, we played French Pictionary – the children had to guess what their partner was drawing and say it out loud in French.

This week, we started our RE unit of work. This term, we are learning about the messages of the disciples. We started by discussing what happened to messages when they were passed between many people. We then moved on to think about who give us important messages now. The children learnt that the prophets were used as messengers for God. Next week, we will be looking into what messages the prophets shared and what the meaning was behind these.

In our PE, we continued to develop our Hockey skills. We started by practising our straight and loose dribble from last week and developing our speed and awareness. Then, we moved on to learn a new skill called Indian dribbling. This is where the children moved the ball from side to side whilst rotating their sticks over the top of the ball to keep control. This is useful when changing direction quickly. We practiced using this to move away from others in the game. Then, we introduced push passing. This is a way of passing the ball to their team. We learnt about the technique required and practised this with a partner. We put all of these skills into practice in our final activity which involved the children trying to pass the ball behind the back line without the opposing team defending it.

We have had another lovely week in Year 5 and I really look forward to next week and for you all to find out where Billy ends up!

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Welch

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