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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News

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We have been working hard on our home learning again this week.

In English our focus was inspiring people. We started off by writing an acrostic poem about someone who inspires us. It was lovely to read these and see how many of you are inspired by your parents, siblings and friends. As the week went on, we learnt a about Martin Luther King Jr and composed a set of questions we would like to ask him if we could. Your questions were poignant and thought-provoking. For example: Louis asked 'Thinking about the world today, do you think that all people are treated equally?'; Ewan asked 'Do you think you achieved your goal?' and Dougie asked 'Do you still have a dream, or do you feel like it has been achieved?' Your questions were all so good. Thank you.

In maths, we continued looking at time, but this time we learnt how to read timetables and use them to answer questions. Well done.

Finally, for our afternoon tasks you did a host of work on inspiring people too.

Hope you've had a great weekend,

Miss P

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