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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News: Welcome back!

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During Book Club, we explored the new reading areas and the fantastic 50 new reading books we have in there! We completed a reading comprehension on the Battle of Bosworth, this helped us in our history lesson too! We also had time to leave a book review on our website – www.y4reading.weebly.com. We finished by talking about the reading challenge on Friday, this is going to be so exciting!

In Maths, we had a week on recapping fractions! We celebrated all the amazing work we completed during lockdown! We discussed mixed numbers, equivalent fractions and also how to simplify them! On Thursday we looked at improper fractions and learnt that these fractions have greater numerators compared to the denominators! We completed a quiz together on Friday, you were amazing at using all your methods to help you! Keep working hard, Year 4!

In English, we practised our handwriting throughout the week – focusing upon joins! On Friday, we completed a cold write. We all wrote our own biographies about a particular person. We will use these cold writes to help us with our T4W targets next week!

We delved straight into our history unit this term as it was time to learn all about the terrifying Tudors! We started by placing the Tudors on our timelines. We talked about BCE and CE and thought about all the learning we've done at Wybunbury so far! We learnt that the Tudor period was around the 1400s. From this, we learnt all about the story of the Tudor Rose. We found out lots about Henry VII and the fight for the English throne. We wrote amazing paragraphs all about this – well done!

In Art, we started our unit on Hans Holbein. We learnt that he was Henry VIII's painter. We discussed his portrait style and learnt lots of facts about him. We practised sketching our own portrait faces, focusing on facial features – it was great practise! In BIG ART we created our very own Tudor style rose. We used the Wybunbury colours to create a brilliantly bold rose! Check it out – it will look fantastic on our wall! We also learnt about Tudor family emblems/badges. We created our own and they were fantastic!

In P.E, Sportscape delivered a fantastic session all about throwing, catching, running and jumping. It was super windy, but we still loved it!

We also spoke to PC Nick this week. He told us all about how to stay safe. We took part in a quiz and it was so interesting to hear all about the police!

On Friday, we took part in some wellbeing time. We produced some more beautiful dots using colours and oil pastels – they look fantastic! I can't wait to see what the display will look like!

Towards the end of the week, we also took part in a lesson on the 2021 Census. We spoke about why we need a Census and the types of questions one ask. With our new knowledge, we created our own mini Y4 census to find out more about the classes favourite author. We collected data and created superb graphs from this!

With Miss Holland on Tuesday, you started to learn some words to our brand new Tudor song. I am so excited to see you build upon this knowledge in music and can't wait to see the finished song!

In PSHE, we spoke about saying sorry and how to fix a broken friendship! We discussed forgiveness and what this looks like. It was certainly an interesting discussion. We spoke about forgiveness and what this might look like, we learnt that forgiveness is an important quality to have.

What a fantastic first week back, I can't wait for Monday!

Mr Dale

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