Our last week of home learning before half term has been completed! You have all been absolutely fantastic throughout the last few weeks, I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you!
In Reading, we started the week by looking at an Oak Academy video to help discuss the Demon Dentist book! We moved onto completing reading comprehensions, taking pat in quiet reading and even creating our own reading dens! We also spent time listening to our current class story too, The Demon Headmaster – how exciting!
In Maths, we recapped some work on multiplication and division. We completed code breakers and used the new short multiplication method and bus stop methods to help us along the way! We also took part in a TTROCKSTARS competition against Brereton Primary School – we answered over a whopping 160,000 correct answers as a school compared to Brerton's 50,000 – GO WYBUNBURY!
In English, we spent the week focusing on SPaG! We recapped lots of learning including expanded noun phrases, speech marks and even the use of apostrophes. I was so impressed by all the amazing SPaG posters we created as a class!
We took part in Worships across the week, including Picture News and a worship all about Candlemass and the importance of candles.
In PE, it was time to practise our cricket skills! We worked on our batting and bowling technique – well done, Team!
In Music, we listened to another lesson from Mr Norbury – he told us about how orchestras work and focused on certain instruments – what a fantastic lesson!
In Geography, we took part in a lesson about Wales. We talked about urban and rural areas, and even drew a map to show whether where we live is urban or rural too!
During Science this week, our focus continued to be on magnets and forces! We learnt all about how a compass works and linked this back to our work on magnets in the previous lesson. We used our new found compass skills to help us read maps!
Our wellbeing activity this week was all about designing a poster with a lovely quote! Let it shine was the aim and you certainly did – your posters were filled with beautiful messages about hope and love! Well done, Y4!
In History, we continued to learn about prehistoric times. We looked at the stone age and thought about what life was like in this period. We learnt about how hunter gatherers hunted for their food! How interesting!
We finished the week by taking part in a ''Special Lesson''. We all had the chance to create some step by step artwork – it was really relaxing and super fun! Your pictures were all fantastic!
Have a fantastic half term and I will see you all very soon,
Mr Dale
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street