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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News!

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What another wonderful week of home learning. I can't believe it has been a whole 12 weeks since I last saw your lovely smiling faces!

In our English lessons this week, we have been learning about imperative verbs. These are the bossy words at the beginning on a instruction which tell the reader what action they need to use eg. Cut, slice, mash etc. We started by learning what imperative verbs were and what the features of instructions were. Then, you were given a millionaire shortbread recipe and asked to find as many imperative verbs as you could. You then used what you had learnt about imperative verbs to write your own instructions for a new game/sport that you had invented. I cannot believe how creative you were. We had sports based around the universe, using a swimming pool, on horse back and so much more!

In our Maths lessons this week, we have learning about Fractions. We have been recapping many of the concepts we had learnt before lockdown so you were fantastic at many of these activities. We started by learning about equivalent fractions. You then moved on to learn how to simplify fractions. Later on, we looked at improper and mixed number fractions and fractions greater than one. I hope my videos are helping with our learning but I'd much rather be stood at the front of the class. It's so much easier to explain that way.

This week, we started a new class book called The Explorer. This wasn't what we would have done this term but I love the book and wanted to share it with you. So far, a plane has crashed in the Rainforest and the children are having to learn how to survive. Our theme next week is all about Rainforests so I know you are going to love it. Please take a look at our class page and on your SeeSaw account for more information about next week's home learning activities.

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Welch

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