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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News!

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It has been another amazing week of home learning and I am really proud of each and every one of you!

We have learnt lots about Angles this week in our home learning. We started by exploring right angles around our house and then introduced acute and obtuse angles. We created acute and obtuse angles with natural materials outside, learnt the angle song and found how to find the largest angle in the shape.

In English this week you planned, drafted, wrote and edited amazing nature stories. You came up with most fantastic and creative stories – I loved reading each and everyone of them. You used your checklists to ensure you used lots of fantastic Year 4 techniques – personification, speech, fronted adverbials and similes. You have also completed some apostrophe activities on SPAG.com. Well done Year 4!

I have loved seeing so many of you getting involved in our 'Keepy Up' this week. You were so creative with some of the equipment you chose to you – traditional football to the tennis racket and even the ping pong ball.

Animals has been the feature of your afternoon activities. You have completed a science investigation to see the effect of salt in water, watched Chester Zoo live tours, created factfiles about deadly predators and made bug hotels in the garden. I have absolutely loved seeing what you have been up to throughout the week – it really puts a smile on my face. You all make me so proud!

Have a fabulous weekend

Miss Welch

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