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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News

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Another week has flown right on by in Year 4...This week we've been mountain researchers, password technicians and amazing archers!

We undertook a new T4W adventure this week in English. Over the course of the next three weeks, our focus will be on diary writing! We thought about what we already knew about diaries and came up with lots of ideas! The children then wrote their 'Have a go writes''. From this, we came up with three whole class targets! The rest of the week was spent learning our model text and writing lots of short burst writes along the way. We will started creating our own forest survival diaries next week!

During Maths this week we were able to wrap up our unit on place value! We used our rounding skills to answer word problems throughout the week. We also looked at negative numbers and were able to use them in context! A thrilling TTROCKSTARS battle also took place, with ALL of Y4 taking part. Well done! Next week will see us move onto addition and subtraction.

During Book Club this week, the children spent the time reading aloud, answering their questions and reading for pleasure! We also had some book review prizes handed out! Remember, you are able to upload these via the reading website!

During Mindfulness this week, our focus was on being calm and quiet. Some of us drew, whilst some of us focused on our breathing...It was a calm 15 minutes out of our very busy week.

Our spellings focus for the week was on the prefix, ''Inter''. We learnt about the rules and different words including the prefix. We found out that inter means in between or among! From this, we were able to work in our pairs to play games and develop our knowledge of words starting with inter.

In Music this week, we used our bodies to become creative with music! We used our knees, chests, hands and even our feet to create different sounds with varying degrees of pitch! We thought about how music is made and linked this to our science topic too!

This week's Forest School saw us become master archers! We worked with Mr Hadfield to safely fire arrows into the archery target! We loved it! We then expertly created fires, whilst keeping safe at all times! Take a look at the pictures!

We started our History topic this week and found out that we are learning all about the mighty Mt. Everest! We were so excited the research the world's tallest mountain and found out so many facts! We will continue our investigations next week with a particular focus on the climbers who have tried to tackle the terrifying trek!

In Computing this week, we completed our second lesson on online safety. Our focus was all about protecting our passwords. We thought about different scenarios and the importance of keeping a password safe. Whilst also thinking about what makes a good password too! We built our own passwords and tested them out on an online password strength tester! What was your password? Remember, don't tell me!!

We had P.E with SportsScape this week, The focus was on ball and racquet skills. We played games and developed our core skills along the way.

We started a new unit in French this week. Our focus is all about food! We learnt how to say Can I have please. Whilst we also managed to name some foods in French including apples, pears and oranges!

Remember that P.E is on Monday and Forest School is on Wednesday of this week, so please remember to wear the right gear.

Have a lovely rest of your Sunday,

Mr Dale

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