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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News

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This week we've been survival experts, story writers and graph designers...

In Maths this week we continued our investigations into place value. We started by looking at how we can use the th, h, t and ones columns to help us decide on whether a number was greater or less than. We used the symbols to help us too! We were then able to move on to comparing and ordering numbers all the way up to 10,000. We learnt about ascending and descending orders! By the end of the week we were comfortable with using our place value columns to help us master rounding to 10, 100 and even a 1000! Do you remember the rounding rules?

It was time to enter the imagination stage this week in our English sessions. We boxed up our new paragraphs and thought about all the things we could use from our toolkits! It was amazing to see so many children applying their targets in using speech, paragraphs and expanded noun phrases to create super adventure stories. I've been underwater, underground, to volcanoes and even space this week, all from your fantastic writing! What a brilliant T4W unit we have completed!

During Spellings this week our focus was upon the suffix ''ly'. We worked in pairs to complete word, sentences and spelling activities. We learnt some key rules such and were able to apply them throughout the week. We also spent time recapping some of our Y3/4 spellings!

We completed lots of questions, book reviews, book changes and read aloud this week in Book Club. Remember that you could win a prize for uploading your book reviews to our website!

In Science this week we wrapped up our unit on sound. We recapped our learning, whilst looking back in our books for help! In our final lesson we completed a research lesson on how sound is measured. We learnt that it is in volume and the measurement is decibels. From this, we used the laptops, computers and iPads to research different sounds and their decibel levels!

In Computing this week we created graphs from our Science research. We used an online graph maker to input data, change axis labels and even apply different fonts and styles to our graphs! Check them out!

In R.E this week we answered the question: "What does the story of Daniel teach us about God?". The children were only given a word mat, their books and their brain to answer this question! It was fantastic to see children unpicking the story and thinking about the morals and messages behind it! Well done, Y4!

We began our forest school session by creating our own survival guide. Each page had very important information and included the four elements that we all need to survive, the fire triangle and a list of everything we could take on an expedition. Mr Hadfield asked us to prioritise and only choose three items from our list. It was great to compare the combinations of items that we would take. Fire steels, an axe and a metal container were Mr Hadfield's top 3! The next part of the session involved teamwork. A collection of superheroes had arrived on site and they all needed protection from the weather so we set about creating the perfect shelter. By the end of the session we had learnt how to create and weatherproof our shelters and we also practised our fire lighting skills by creating a mini fire. What a great morning!

During PSHE this week, the children thought about what qualities make a good person. The children planted up their qualities and we will wait to see what grows from them! Children thought about the saying ''You reap what you sow''.

In Music this week we continued to sing our ABBA songs, whilst learning more about the songs and history behind the band!

In P.E this week we continued to focus upon invasion games. We spent time playing lots of skill based games that included throwing and dodging! Please remember that next week is SportsScape P.E on Friday.

During Mindfulness this week we spent time listening to music and just drawing. No rules, no direction, just time to relax and draw. It was lovely to see the children calm and relaxed during this activity, and taking the time to breath during another busy day.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Dale

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