During this week of home learning, we've continued to be absolute superstars in Year 3.
In English this week, we all completed a nature writing challenge. We built our own word banks, created plans and then wrote our stories over two days! Everyone's stories were amazing! They were full of speech, adjectives, adverbs and superb sentence starters! Well done everybody and good luck if you decide to enter them into the competition.
In Maths this week, we wrapped up our unit on time. We focused on telling the time to and past! We then moved on to finding the duration and counting on seconds! Next week we start our fractions journey!
Throughout the week, we've also uploaded lots of amazing things to Seesaw. We had Cubs challenges, science experiments and of course the keepy uppy challenge!
Have an amazing weekend and I will see you virtually on Monday!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co1xI3ztu7Y – Martha's Green Screen
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