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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news

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This week's maths was all about statistics as we started our Power Maths unit. We recapped pictograms and bar charts and learnt about 'keys' too. Throughout the week, you interpreted information, collected information, read and understood keys and created your own keys. You also drew bar charts and pictograms. We finished the week with some arithmetic and fluency questions recapping different units of maths.

Our English this week has consisted of SPaG, SPaG and even more SPaG. We have looked at verbs, adverbs, past and present tense and adding ing to verbs. You have worked through your CGP book and then gone on to apply your new learning. This will set us up to really get going with our English when we return and putting all of our new SPaG learning into practise.

You have read every day too this week. You have completed comprehension tasks all about Mars, linked to the NASA robot that landed there! You have played reading games using our school reading website and you have written book reviews (you know how much I love to receive these!). You have also given me clues about your favourite books and they were brilliant, some were so hard to guess!

Our RE lesson this week taught us all about the religion of Islam. We learnt about Sara, a young Muslim girl who told us all about the 5 Pillars of Islam. It was interesting to learn about another faith and it was great to hear you asking lots of big questions too. You drew the 5 Pillars to represent the 5 Pillars of Islam, you named each pillar and wrote a short paragraph about each one.

PE this week was so much fun! The challenge was to create a short dance based on the Haka, which we found out is a New Zealand Maori traditional dance. I loved watching these, you worked hard at creating your own versions!

In French this week, you learnt about the months of the year. An interesting fact we found out is that when the french write months of the year, they don't start them with a capital letter! It was great to see you so enthusiastic about your French this week as I know we get excited about our French Fridays when we are back in school and I can't wait to start these lessons up again when we all return to school. Not long to go now!

As always we finished our week with a Friday wellbeing activity. We read the story 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds and you created your own dot to make part of a whole school creation we hope to put together when you all return to school. I am excited to see how this looks on the wall with all of your unique dots to create a whole school masterpiece!

I can't wait to see what our final home learning week brings!
Miss McCurrie

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