This week we have excelled ourselves in learning in Year 3! We have began our Year 3 Power Maths books after a catch up fractions unit and now we are learning about numbers up to 1000! We have been using hundreds, tens and ones place value grids, base 10, part whole models and bar models to show partitioning. My word for the week to describe your learning is...amazed! We have loved the lessons and are raring to go for next week!
In English we have finished our Talk 4 Writing unit writing instructions on how to make a very tasty apple crumble. Our focuses were to use adjectives, set out our instructions correctly and to use question marks. The progress that you have made is impressive since the beginning of the unit and I loved reading your instructions.
I was very impressed with our art work for this week. We have been learning about the artist David Hockney. We liked one of his pictures of someone swimming in a pool so we focused on firstly how to draw a face. We then focused on how to draw an eye in more detail and the art work is fantastic! You concentrated so well especially as lots of you said you find art tricky. No one gave up and everyone showed resilience. Another proud teacher moment for me. Your art work is already in pride of place on the wall in the classroom.
In computing, we spent some time on TT Rock Stars to add some points to the house colours battle. Well done for playing at home too. It was great to see so many of you on the leaderboard.
In forest schools, you built fires again and you are getting so good at this! We also had the opportunity to learn archery. We learnt how to load the arrows on to the bow, aim and fire and then safely collect the bows and add up our scores. What did you get? Mr Hadfield was so impressed with your listening skills and how much you improved each time.
In music, you continued to learn how to play the ukulele and learn some more notes. We shared year 1, 2 and 3 harvest in worship time and it was great to see your happy, smiling faces share the important message. In design and technology, we evaluated our tasty apple crumbles and thought about what we would improve or change if we made it again.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday!
Miss McCurrie
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street