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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news

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This week has been filled full of forest schools, cooking, fractions and instructional writing!

We have continued our maths unit on fractions this week, focusing on halves and quarters and even thirds. You have continued to work so hard and we have learnt so much over the last two weeks.

In our English lessons we have started to learn our talk 4 writing story map about how to make a toffee apple ready to write our own instructions on how to make an apple crumble!

In our design and technology lessons, you have had lots of fun making your apple crumble! You learnt lots of skills too, including peeling, coring and chopping the apples and then mixing and rubbing the butter and flour together to make your crumble. You then layered your crumble on top of the apples. You then wrote the cooking instructions out on the lid
I hope you enjoyed eating it at home!

In computing, we had our esafety lesson on how to make a secure password. You came up with some great ideas and then we tested our passwords and how secure they were. You then played on interland and learnt more about being safe online.

In our forest school session this week, we made our own fires this time bigger than last week! Then we went on to learn about shelters and then made our own shelters in the forest school. Mr Hadfield commented how well you listened and worked in your partners. Another proud teacher moment. We are really enjoying our forest school sessions and it is great to see you growing in confidence each week.

In RE, we thought about what Christians think about God and what words they would use to describe him. We read a class story called Mr and Mrs God in the Kitchen too all about creation. You came up with some brilliant words such as kind, friendly, powerful, joyful and thoughtful.

This week's French started with learning some greetings and learning how to ask someone their name and how to respond. You all did really well and had a good go! Très bien!!

Your homework has been set on TTRock Stars and spag.com.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss McCurrie

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