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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly news

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This week you have been busy once again with your home learning experience! In maths, we recapped partitioning and your confidence has really grown since we last visited partitioning. Well done Year 2! In English, your writing has been about famous and significant people and people who inspire us. You listened to 'The Queen's knickers' story and then thought of some questions to ask the Queen, remembering your capital letters and question marks. You wrote about an inspiring person too. This was my favourite piece of work this week! You wrote about mums, dads, teachers, famous footballer, the list goes on!

As well as English and maths, a few more of you have read stories to me which I have loved! I will share them next week with you. I have also loved seeing your rainbows of people who inspire you.

If you haven't yet come into school to drop your books off, please try and do this if you can.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend!
Miss McCurrie

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