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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly newsletter

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Well well well Y1, our home learning has finally come to an end and on Monday we will reunite in the classroom together again. I am so excited! I hope you are looking forward to it too? You have worked so hard during lockdown and you have left me and Mrs VR feeling so proud. I am so happy that we had seesaw so that we could keep in contact through videos, voice notes and messages. It made me feel very lucky to see your pictures and fantastic work each day. I want to say a huge thank you to your parents as well for being your home teachers and supporting you every single day. I know it's not been an easy job but I think we can all agree that you have been fantastic.

Our final week of home learning saw us completing all sorts of fun activities from baking to making story jars.

In English this week, you were busy creating your recipes for our Wybunbury Delves recipe book. We started off by recapping our knowledge around imperative verbs, we enjoyed being very bossy! You then built upon this learning by looking at how we can use imperative verbs in instructions specifically recipes. On Tuesday, you were super busy baking your favourite treats and then you planned out your recipe. Once you had planned your recipe you used all of your ideas to create and write your own recipe. They all looked so tasty and yummy that I will have to buy a copy of this book too.

We celebrated world book day this week alongside our normal reading job. You immersed yourself in all sorts of activities from listening to our funny 'masked reader' and trying to guess who the teacher was to becoming budding artists and drawing pictures of your favorite books. We then finished the week with a competition where you had to create your own story in a jar. First, you picked your favourite book and then you thought about all of the different details from your story, for example, the characters and settings. You then set off to create your own story in a jar. These were all so wonderful to look at. All of the Y1 jars are on a previous newsletter for you to take a look at.

In maths, we finished our topic of subtraction by building upon all of our learning by comparing addition and subtraction sums and solving word problems. You then showed all of your learning and knowledge that you have retained from this topic by completing an end of unit quiz. We finished the week by exploring our numbers to 50. We will carry this learning on next week and I can't wait to complete some of the outdoor learning I have planned for this topic with you!

In our afternoons we have been working super hard. In science, you started to look at the parts of a plant and a tree. You labelled these parts and then built upon your learning by thinking about their function. In PE this week, you learnt how to play sitting volleyball and you showed me that you had some very impressive skills. In RE, you started a new topic around the Easter story and you thought about whether this was a happy or sad story. Many of you thought it was both a happy and sad story because "Jesus died but Jesus died so that we could live". You had so many ideas! You were then busy creating freeze frames to show the different parts of the story. We will carry this learning on in our RE lessons when we are back in school next week. In history, you continued your learning around toys and you looked specifically at the difference of 'electronic and non-electronic toys'. I was impressed with how much you have remembered from this topic and how you could talk specifically about how we know when toys were invented by looking at the material they are made from. For well-being this week you looked at 30 active mini-challenges and you had a go at some that you thought you would like!

During this lockdown, the days have been very dull and long whilst getting through our winter months however each day you have brought so much light into my life as you have continued to be shining superstars. You should be so proud of yourselves and I never want you to forget that you got through two lots of home learning which is definitely not easy when we aren't in our normal routines and rhythms. I just cannot wait to see you all on Monday and I know we have been counting the days down till this moment. Please remember that it is okay to be a little worried about coming back to school after being off for so long but I can ensure you that I have got lots of fun activities for us to do whilst we settle back in. This may include lots of time in our Y1 garden which I know you all enjoy!

Have a restful weekend superstars.

I will see you all on MONDAY,

Miss Haynes

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