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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news

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One sunny morning, year one was given a present. It was a red bus. They were delighted as they could drive around Wybunbury in their new bus. However...it was a naughty bus!

This week has been very busy as we started to change our naughty bus story so that we could make it our own. We decided to create the naughty bus adventures around Wybunbury so that it could link into our Geography learning of our local area. The naughty bus has been splashing school children, driving through baked beans that were spilled all up the church tower and it even went wooooosh down fort Lewis. It was a very dirty bus as it landed in the squelchy mud. The writing of your story is fantastic and I can't wait for them to be finished next week.

In phonics, you have been superstars whilst learning new sounds and retaining your set 2 sounds. You have been reading your book each day and it has been lovely to hear you all read so fluent. We are now starting to build on our comprehension skills so that we can now start to understand a story and answer questions about it.

In maths, we have moved onto our subtraction topic. At first, this was difficult and we had to show a great amount of resilience. We had to understand that this is the opposite of addition and that we are now counting backwards instead of forwards. Once we understood this we were subtracting all of our numbers within 10. We found out that in a subtraction sum we take the whole away from a part and the bigger number will always have to go first. You have definitely impressed me this week with all of your amazing maths skills.

In science this week, we carried our learning on the season autumn. We decided we wanted to measure the weather in Autumn so that we could compare it to other seasons throughout the year. To help us measure the weather we decided to create and design our own wind sock. We created it with card, tissue paper and then we drew weather symbols on it. We found out that a wind sock will help us to measure how strong the wind is and the direction it is going in. There was definitely some very windy days this week where our windsocks were blowing very fast.

In RE you looked at our new RE question which is 'What do we learn about Jesus from the Christmas story?' You recapped the Christmas story and ordered it by using pictures. You then looked at the part where the angel first visits Mary and what this teaches us about Jesus. You had some beautiful ideas from 'he is the holy spirit' to 'he is the king'.

In Music, you started to learn our new reggae song which is called 'rhythm in the way we walk.' You learned the meaning of the words: rhythm, pitch, pulse and improvisation. We will recap the meanings of these words next week in a little quiz.

In history this week, we had so much fun learning about the inventions of different types of transport. We learned that the oldest type of transport is wheels and carts and that one of the newest inventions is a hoverboard. You then went to your table where you had one type of transport to research. You researched your type of transport and found out what it looked like when it was first invented and how it has changed throughout history. You had three pictures of the transport and had to decide if it was invented a very long time ago, an old-time ago or if it was new. The car group decided that steam cars were invented a long time ago, diesel cars were invented an old-time ago and electric cars are the newest invention. When you researched these inventions you used this learning to create booklets that you then presented to the whole class. I was so impressed with your confidence as you stood up and spoke about what you had learned. You also helped to teach your peers about the history of transport too.

On Friday, we finished our week with D&T. You picked two of your favourite types of vehicles and compared them to each other. You looked at what was similar about the vehicle and what was different. We found out that all vehicles will have some form of similarities and differences.

In Mindfulness, we carried on looking at our feelings. We discussed why we may feel certain feelings in our body. A lot of you told me that you feel anger in your tummy but we feel happiness in our face. We then finished off our drawings and wrote about when we may feel these emotions.

On Wednesday, you stood proudly and silently on the playground for 2 minutes as we remembered all of the soldiers in the world who had fought for us and are still fighting for our country.

A big thank you to all of your families for their time this week as I spoke to them over the phone. It was fantastic to share all of your achievements in Y1 with your families and to share how proud we are of you.

It's been a very busy week Y1 so you deserve a well-earned rest this week.

See you Monday,

Miss Haynes

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