Well this week we have been all around the world with our home and school learning. We've visited places from the comfort of our own home and I don't know about you superstars but I am feeling very tired from all of this travelling. We have been writing postcards from our favourite holiday to talking about how we can protect and look after our world that we call the earth.
In English this week we started the week by focusing on capital letters and when to use them in our writing. This is an area of our learning that we have struggled with in the past but you have just come on in leaps and bounds. For rest of the week we linked our 'all around the world' topic to our English learning and you have written postcards from your favourite holiday, completed a reading comprehension on plastic pollution and used your ideas to create a plastic pollution poster. You then finished your amazing week with beautiful sentences on how you would protect the earth if you were to hold it and keep it safe in your hands.
In reading, you are doing so well with watching Rosie from home so that you can keep getting better with your reading. In school we have been doing our daily phonic lessons and spellings which we are really enjoying doing together. We are now focusing on trying to get a better reading speed whilst using 'Fred in your head'. You are all making me so proud and I have enjoyed listening to everyone read at school.
In maths, we have been continuing to focus on our numbers to 100. I am amazed at all of the skills you learnt in Autumn term and you are still remembering to use now when comparing and ordering numbers. We have been using our crocodile symbols to show more and less than and equal to so that we compare numbers all the way to 100. Well I thought this would be too difficult but your number skills are just superb! I also enjoyed looking at all of your pictures of you comparing your numbers practically whilst using all sorts of objects.
In our afternoon learning at home we have been learning about the world around us. I have seen some pictures of you at learning about different countries, their cultures and flags.
In our afternoons at school you have been doing amazing work as we have focused on Geography all of this week. We started the week by recapping the 4 countries in the United Kingdom and then we put a world map puzzle together so that we could learn the 7 continents. I was very happy at how quick you were at learning the 7 continents. You learnt about the cardinal points on a compass and this then helped us to play our treasure game where you had to direct your friends to the treasure using north, south, east and west. You created your own map of the hall and then finished the week with creating your own map of school. On your map we marked out where the treasure was and then off you went to find the treasure whilst using your map as a guide. This was such a fun way to end our wonderful week together.
Y1 I cannot believe how fast these weeks are going and I really don't want it to come to an end. I have enjoyed being your teacher from my very first day in September and you have just continued to make me smile, so thank you!
I hope you enjoy a lovely and relaxing weekend,
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
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