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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news

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Well this week we have been learning everything from fractions in maths to writing instructions in English. It sure has been a busy week in your homes with all of your amazing learning and super activities. I am missing you very much year one and it's been a long 12 weeks but I am looking forward to having some of you back in a week's time!

This week in English you started your week with a SPaG sheet where you had to complete several different activities that focused on all of our SPaG work that we had done together in school. You were unscrambling sentences, adding -ed to end of verbs and even sorting out real and alien words. You did amazing! On Tuesday we started our learning on instructions by looking at imperative verbs. We soon found out that this posh name just meant bossy verbs which are verbs that tell us to do something. You all enjoyed listening and dancing to the cha cha slide whilst noticing the imperative verbs in the song. You followed my instructions and then gave me a list of instructions to do which was very very funny. I think Alfie was wondering what I was doing in the living room when I was following all of your crazy instructions. We definitely had lots of fun! You then went onto unscrambling some instructions on how to make breakfast so that you could help me to have my coco pops in the morning. All of this learning then helped you to create your own instructions on your favourite game or sport. Mrs VR and I were BLOWN AWAY with your instructions. We were so proud of your handwriting, your use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces and your amazing imperative verbs. Everyone did a fantastic job and here is just a snippet to some of your amazing learning this week:

Check out Annie following my instructions: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.018d450d-3a32-4405-aedb-ac4b42b36197&share_token=JI1RdLMYRZ2wrzSNWMeV3w&mode=share

Check out Alice for instructions on how to make the perfect cup of tea: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.7984b1c5-0fe0-4231-8dc3-4765759adf1f&share_token=JFMNaoF1TVCte0P9g1pN5w&mode=share

Check out William following my instructions: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.12b719c6-4a34-4345-ad81-e8115890a221&share_token=raEXPPS2RCS7yzT_viom8Q&mode=share

Check out Emilie's crazy instructions: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.2920c0a6-78a5-4d08-98a3-17729437fa86&share_token=txmzwWVNSPuVqjd2N8W5-Q&mode=share

This week in phonics and reading you have been continuing your phonics with Rosie. You are doing amazing with this and we just keep seeing you getting better and better each week. It's wonderful to see! You have also been taking videos of yourselves reading and we are now sharing them with everyone in the class. This is great because you can see the beautiful reading of your friends but also we know how much we are missing each other and it's great to see our class mates (virtually). It is very lovely to see all of the kind comments you are putting to each other about the stories and reading that you are sharing.

In maths this week you have been very busy halving. You have understood that halving is when you split a whole into two equal parts. You started halving by cutting up pieces of fruit into two equal parts. You drew shapes, cut them out and then shaded a half of the shape. You found out that a half is written as ½. You answered power maths questions, word problems and even found a half of different amounts. Some of you even realised that you can use your 2 times table and division to help you with this.

Your afternoon learning was all about sports. I saw many of you designing your own sports kit, creating obstacle courses and making your own family mascots. As well as all of this I have seen some of you gardening, becoming builders and cutting wood and also helping your family to make dinner. You finished your successful week with a lovely year 1 quiz which many of you enjoyed!

Check out Oscar who has also been learning to play the piano in lockdown: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.dfbba66b-8905-423a-8c88-46fccdb75593&share_token=YdDXX4SOTxSO8rBffvSNcg&mode=share

Year one I know I always say this...but honestly I AM SO PROUD TO BE YOUR TEACHER. You amaze me every day! I was very lucky to have you as my first class as you are all incredible little people. You do me proud in school and you do me proud at home.
I wish you all a lovely weekend and let's hope the sun comes out.

See you (virtually) on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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