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C of E Primary School

Y6 Weekly News

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A busy week in Year 6.

In maths this week we have completed our short and long multiplication tasks and begun to work with division. We have discovered that resilience is definitely a word that we have needed as this concept has challenged us all. We will continue with this unit next week.

In English we have completed our independent write using the theme of disappointment. We focused on parenthesis, using time connectives, and carefully chosen word classes to develop a feeling of suspense. We then edited our pieces to improve them. We have also focused on speech and used a rhyme to ensure we punctuated our sentences accurately.

In our spelling sessions this week we have used syllables to add suffixes that begin with a vowel to words. We have doubled consonants before adding suffixes. For example, admit became admittance.

I have spent this week in book club listening to all my Y6 children read their own home reading books. Great job. I am asking children to read aloud as often as possible as this skill supports the development of their English.

In science this week we focused on analysing our results from the experiment we completed last week. We collated our findings and discussed the reasons for the most successful beak. We decided that this beak (scissors) collected the most food as there was a higher population of these beaks in our class. We will represent our findings next week in the form of a bar graph.

We have also taken part in a geography lesson this week where we discussed in detail the reasons a country may be developing. We focused on human and physical problems and sorted different scenarios into each group. A super debate took place over one scenario in our class.

History this week introduced us to a group of four children who had travelled to safety from their war-torn country. We watched a video about their journey and listened to the reasons why they have had to leave their homes. We were all surprised by how happy they seemed and how hopeful they were that their dreams would still be possible. This lesson led us nicely into our mindfulness activity of dream clouds. We considered our own dreams and hopes and added them to a cloud. We realised that we have similar hopes to the refugee boys we met in the video.

In music this week we listened to the track Walking on Sunshine and talked about how this piece made us feel. We considered when this song was released and whether it told a story. We also used our glockenspiels to play three notes to accompany the song Happy.

In french we played several games to assess our knowledge on numbers and days of the week. We spent our time outside, where we played a counting and throwing game and then a speed style game naming the days of the week.

We have come together in coding this week as we looked at our completed Y5 units. We have ensured that missed lessons have been revisited and supported each other with algorithms that were tricky. Well done Y6 you are a true team.

PE and PHSE has taken place today with Mrs Jenkins.

Thank you for supporting your children with the new sites being used in maths this week. I am using these to either recap new learning or build upon their Y5 learning. I will be continuing to use these as we move through the term.

New homework has been set. This includes: Spag.com online, TT Rock Stars and regular reading aloud with comprehension questions being completed ready for next week. We have taken part in our first TT Rock Stars Battle of the year. I will set the second one next week. We have all played this week in class and hopefully played at home too. I will also be setting some maths homework. Please log in to either Power Maths or Maths.co.uk to see what your activity is.

I would just like to say how hard you are all working and how well you are supporting each other. I am so pleased with your focus and effort and hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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