We have used our week to enjoy many different learning opportunities and of course our Theme Day.
In Maths this week we continued to build our knowledge when subtracting fractions. We have begun to subtract mixed numbers and used improper fractions to support our learning. We have also sat two assessment papers this week, one on arithmetic and another on reasoning skills. We put our timetables knowledge to the test and against the clock this week. I am proud of all your determination and your results. Well done Y6.
In English this week we have moved on to our imitation stage of T4W. This stage has allowed us to use my model and text map to then write a shared piece of writing as a class. This time in T4W we have completed paragraphs I have begun, thinking about our toolkit and how to use it effectively. We will now move on to the imagination stage of our setting description.
In Spellings this week we have worked with plurals and thought about how the endings of each word changes. We will continue with plurals next week. We have also challenged ourselves when using Y5 and Y6 misconception words. We have worked some of these into our writing and tested our spelling ability too. We have also tested ourselves on the Y1 and Y2 misconception words, checking that these are always spelt correctly in our writing. We will now move on to assessing Y3 and Y4 misconception words.
Book Club this week has seen assessments taking place, quiet reading being enjoyed and listening to our class story. We are coming to the end of Boy 87 and we are keeping our fingers crossed that this story has a happy ending for our character Shif. He is now about to journey across the desert hoping to make it to a port and travel to England.
We have completed our clay model of the anatomy of a heart in Science this week. These are now standing proud on our cloakroom cupboard and we have received many compliments from staff as they pass by. Computing and PE both supported our Science unit this week. Mrs Jenkins has been teaching health related fitness skills in PE this term, and we used our learning to record our different heart beats when completing different activities. We then used a graph producing computing programme to analyse our results. Bar graphs were created. We will continue with this Science unit next week, and if needed, we will carry our last few lessons into the new year.
In Forest Schools this week we delved into different aspects of nature within our school grounds. We completed a nature hunt by gathering different items from around the field and orchard and tried to name them! We also hunted for minibeasts. Our challenge came when we had to create a bug hotel out of natural resources. Another great afternoon with Mr Hadfield.
Our Theme Day – Walking in the Shoes of a Refugee – took place on Thursday. We began by thinking about Human Rights and the Rights of a Child and what is classed as a want and what is classed as a need. We focused on article 27, "Children and young people should be able to have the food and housing they need to reach their full potential." We thought about different foods and then went on to bake Syrian flatbread.
Our next activity took us to a refugee camp we were introduced to during our English lessons – Za'atari Refugee Camp. We watched a short video detailing life within the camp and then read stories from different children within the camp. They shared their most treasured possessions and why they were so important to them. We thought about a possession we would take with us if we were in a similar situation. We then used our Art focus – sculptures – and created a cast of one of our own shoes using masking tape. Our sculpture will eventually show what a refugee means to us. We also enjoyed eating our freshly baked bread whilst listening to our class story – Boy 87. A wonderful day in Y6.
I will not be setting any new homework for the Christmas period. Thank you for supporting your child with their weekly tasks as we have consistently completed them on time. The only homework I would like my children to complete is to:
�€� Enjoy your family time together
�€� Enjoy family lazy days
�€� Share a virtual game with friends
�€� Enjoy your favourite Christmas film
�€� Most of all take good care of yourselves, recharge your batteries and have a very merry Christmas.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
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