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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week

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What another superb week of learning we have had in Year 6. You always surprise me with the quality of work you produce Year 6 and I am so proud of you all. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your confidence grow when tackling our new learning in Maths and I have also enjoyed reading all the posts you enter onto Seesaw.

In English we began our week in Year 6 thinking about information writing. We were introduced to a new unit of T4W called Monsters. You have used this stimulus to inspire your own beast and developed your ideas throughout the week. We will continue with this unit this week.

In Maths we continued to tackle fractions. This learning took the form of fractions of amounts as you interpreted different styles of questions to develop this new learning. Well done Year 6. We will leave fractions for now and pick them back up again in our daily starters and when we are back in school together. We are now beginning a new unit called Geometry.

In Book Club this week we have been introduced to the book Holes. We have used the Oaks Academy to focus on characterisation and settings and we have used the text to uncover key characters and become aware of their surroundings.

This week you have also thought about e-safety in Computing. You have produced some informative posters and shared your thoughts on how to stay safe online. Well done Y6.

During the week, you have continued to learn French numbers by completing online games. In Music, You have researched facts on Gustav Holst understanding that he was a British composer who was famous for his Planets composition.

This week we also completed our RE leaflets on Hinduism after researching information on weddings and the special activities that take place in and around the River Ganges. I love the way you have used colour to bring these leaflets to life.

You have also taken part in PE this week and sent in many different videos for us to enjoy.

We have focused this week on our wellbeing as we promoted Wellbeing Week in many different ways. We ended our week by enjoying a screen free wellbeing day, except for a guided live tour around Chester Zoo of course. My favourite were the Giraffes, I wonder what was yours? From thinking about our unique qualities to enjoying activities around the house, our busy week came to an end.

As always Year 6 I feel blessed to be your teacher and I hope you have had a wonderful weekend with lots of smiles.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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