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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week

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What a brilliant week of home learning Y6. We have mastered our fractions and created well-written blurbs to reflect different stimuli. I am so proud of you all. We have caught up over zoom if you have not been in school provision and we have messaged and recorded voice notes to keep in touch.

In English we drafted and crafted different written summaries to match pictures and videos and sold our best-selling books by designing their front covers too. We also focused on formal and informal language and when each should be used. You finished this learning off by writing an email to a friend. Next week we will use informal and formal writing devices when we begin our new T4W unit. We completed our Friday activities with an online Spag.com task and different pages in your Spag CGP book. Well done Y6.

Wow Y6! In Maths this week you have dug deep and persevered with your fractions as we consolidated our learning of multiplying fractions and dividing them too. I am so impressed with the results. We have worked together using my teaching videos and completed many calculations to embed our learning. We will now visit these in our daily starters. Next week we will understand how to calculate fractions of amounts and then move our learning onto a new unit. I am so proud of you all. It has been lovely to hear your messages as you mastered these tricky calculations. Well done to you all.

In Book Club this week we have visited the Oxford Owl site to enjoy online books. We enjoyed our last visit to the Perfect Planet and understood the message by answering comprehension questions. You have also used your inference skills to answer questions using a non-spoken video. Thank you for my story time. I enjoyed listening to you read. I know how much you are all enjoying our class story, Letters from the Lighthouse. I have recorded your daily sessions for next week and will release them one day at a time. We ended our week by completing three different First News quizzes. You even managed to complete the word search on famous people even though it was a little on the small side!

You have also spent time completing your PE lesson playing tennis.

In History this week we have spent time learning more about Prehistoric Britain. Your focus this week was animals and their survival.

In Science this week you thought about the reproduction of plants and you have set up a cloning of a potato experiment. Keep you eye out for any changes and don't forget to report them.

In Geography you continued to learn about Biomes from around the world.

We ended our week by completing a Wellbeing colour monster. You thought about the different colours and which emotions they would represent. Super job.

I would just like to end my post by saying again a big thank you for all your support and lovely comments you send my way. I hope you have had a fabulous weekend and you enjoy a new week of learning.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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