A busy week in Y6 and you have all worked so hard. I am very proud of you.
We began our week in Maths by tackling different problems using percentages. We have found percentages of amounts and used our chosen strategy to calculate carefully. We are continuing with percentages next week and will then move onto our algebra unit. We have sat an arithmetic assessment and we will also complete a reasoning one next week.
In English this week we have used video footage of the first day of the Blitz to focus on one survivor of our choice to complete a diary shared write. Different survivors ranged from shoppers to guests at a wedding. We are using contractions, subject specific language and the correct tense as our class targets. We will complete this piece next week and then finish our unit with a hot write.
In Book Club this week we have read with an adult and now have a comprehension question to complete. We have also sat a reading assessment using three different types of text.
Our Geography unit began this week with a quick recap of continents and oceans. We then used Axis and Allied countries to locate using our atlases. We found their capital cities and populations. We will continue this unit next week by focusing on Operation Pied Piper!
In Science we continued our unit on light. We discussed all that we knew about shadows and then set out to investigate whether the distance and height of a light source affects the shadow. Firstly, we made a model out of Play-Doh and then moved our torches to different distances away and different heights. Then we drew the outline of each shadow created and recorded our results in a table. Finally, we wrote a conclusion about what our results showed us.
In Music we were introduced to our second WW2 song, We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn. We began singing along to the chorus as many of us were familiar with it. Next week we'll add some basic waltz steps to the music.
In Computing this week, we began with an unplugged session focusing on a scrambled message interrupted by the code cracking team (us). We worked together deciphering coded messages and finally cracked it just in time to help the Allies. We will continue with this unit next week.
We also became digital citizens in our e-safety lesson. We discussed different questions: What is a digital citizen, how would you rate yourself as a clever digital citizen, and what is a digital footprint? We used two different videos as stimuli for our discussions.
This week in RE we considered our big question: Where in a church building are there signs of salvation? We discussed the term Salvation and what we thought this meant. Belle wondered if it meant something to do with the Salvation Army. Using our dictionaries, we found the definition. We then thought about our visits to church and where we thought the signs of saviour were. Using video footage of a cave rescue, we understood that being saved from danger is also Salvation.
In PE this week we continued to focus on the skills needed for athletics and we enjoyed a very windy afternoon of cricket.
My final bit of news is to congratulate some of our Y6 family. Henry won the front cover of our Lockdown School Recipe Book. Well done Henry, we can't wait to see it in print, and Joe (first place) and Archie (second place) were chosen by our Governors as the Y6 first and second place winners of the Story in a Jar, well done boys.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend. See you tomorrow as we enter our final week of the spring term.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street