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C of E Primary School

Y6 News – Happy Easter

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Can you believe it? Another term has come and gone, albeit a short one. It has been amazing to think about the amount of curriculum we have covered, including all the extra-curricular events too. You have built up your resilience over the weeks and you are certainly working at a steady pace. Well done Y6. I am enormously proud of you all. Can I also wish a speedy recovery to some of our Y6 family as I know you have not been feeling well and we have all missed you in class.

In English this week we completed our unit on diary writing. We worked together on our shared write and edited in full. We then completed our hot write on an event we knew well showing off our diary features to the full. I loved reading them all. If you have any outstanding Spag.com homework, please bring yourselves up to date over the break.

In Maths this week we have had a mixture of assessments and percentages lessons. We have compared percentages to decimals and fractions, and we have worked out missing values and mystery numbers. Our assessments are complete, and we will revisit the papers after Easter to discuss our strategies and of course celebrate our results. Super job Y6. Just a quick reminder to anyone who has any Maths.co.uk outstanding homework to please bring yourselves up to date over this break.

In Book Club this week we completed our unit on Anne Frank, and we have also used our time to work towards the new reading challenge scheme. We are all working towards either a bronze or silver badge and I know this is a target that many of you have set yourselves over Easter. You go Y6. I know you can do it. If you need to check where you are up to, I have posted the score chart onto Seesaw.

Our Computing lesson this week focused on Alan Turing the mathematician who founded the Bombe machine which helped to decode and crack German messages during WW2. We researched, created, and presented these facts in a poster all about Alan Turing, Bletchley Park, the Enigma and Bombe. We worked in small teams to present our findings ready for our next lesson.

In Science we completed our unit on light. We learned about how our eyes work and allow us to see. We found out that light reflects off an object and enters our eyes where it is bent by the lens before hitting the retina. The image appears upside down on the retina and the information about that image is sent down the optical nerve to our very clever brain, which flips the image the right way up and enables us to make sense of what we see. We followed this with a quick assessment of this term's learning.

In Music we continued our second WW2 song, We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn. We sang along to the chorus and learned some more of the verses. We also learned some basic waltz box steps to the music and practised being in a waltz hold with our imaginary partners.

During our wellbeing sessions this week we have thought about positive postures and we have welcomed PC Nick into class for an E-Safety lesson.

We have recorded our Easter service and hope you enjoy watching it.

We ended our week with a studywork day creating our history and theme day pages. All of our war planes have now taken to the skies and fly proudly in our classroom.

I haven't set any homework to complete over the Easter holidays as I think a well-deserved break has been earned by all. Enjoy the sunshine, and perhaps the snow, but more importantly enjoy your family time.

Thank you for all your support and I wish you a very happy Easter.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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