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C of E Primary School

Y6 New of the Week 7.5.21

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A brilliant week of learning has taken place in Y6 this week. Even though our week was a shorter one, it has been packed with hard work and great focus. Well done Y6.

In Maths this week we have continued to tackle different algebra questions. We have used formula, equations and reasoning problems to calculate the value of variables and used our knowledge of keeping an equation balanced. We ended our week by playing an algebra loop game to consolidate our learning. We will complete this unit on Monday and then move on to our next area of learning. Your Maths.co.uk homework reflects our learning.

In English this week we have used our model write to begin a shared piece. We have concentrated on the features of persuasive writing and worked together to edit as a team. After improving the start to my paragraphs, Y6 have finished them off with their own ideas. We will continue with this next week and complete our unit with an independent piece. We have also had an eye on our presentation during a handwriting lesson and we have concentrated on silent letter spellings too.

In Book Club this week we have read with an adult and joined a comprehension group to work through different genres of text. Next week we will enjoy our class story too.

In History this week we have thought about this question – Do you think people were healthier during WW2 compared to modern day? We looked carefully at rationing propaganda posters and discussed them with our partners. We considered what we could see and what the message behind each poster could be. We also wondered if people had taken any notice of them and if the posters encouraged the population to do their bit towards helping in WW2? We investigated these questions using our iPads.

In Geography we considered what we knew about time zones? We then explored them further using the Allied and Axis list of countries from our previous lessons. We investigated their time zones and found out how far behind or in front of London these countries were. We thought about how time zones would have impacted the war.

In DT this week we focused on creating and using our templates. We used the same process a clothes designer and maker would go through and used our poppy drawing to create our template. By using chalk and a card template we then cut our fabric out to the correct shape and size. We spent the last few minutes of our lesson reflecting on how accurate our poppy fabric was compared to our template. We will begin to practise our stitches next week using Binka.

Science has been a part of each day this week as we prepared four different experiments to discuss in our main lesson today. We are thinking about nutrients and how they travel around our bodies. To understand the terms osmosis and diffusion, we set up experiments to see this in action. We used a jelly snake experiment, a skittles experiment, an egg experiment and a dye and gelatine experiment. By analysing the results and thinking about our predictions, we now know that nutrients pass through cell membranes into our blood and are absorbed into our bodies by these processes. Great fun and tasting were had by all!

In Music this week we listened to a piece of music by the composer – Antonio Vivaldi. The song title, The Four Seasons, led us to listen to the spring section. We had to listen to the song piece and think about how this music made us think of spring. What was it about the music that lifted us and what did we like about it? Continuing with our wartime songs, we looked at the meaning behind the lyrics of our last two songs. We came up with some heartfelt ideas about 'You Are My Sunshine.' Our analysis of the lyrics was good. We had to envisage what that time would have been like and how that song would have helped us move forward during the war. Following on from this, we sang our remaining songs. Our focus next week will be to sing all our songs in the correct order.

PE this week was taught by Mrs Jenkins so please see her separate post.

We spent some time this week thinking about the props we will need in Computing. We worked together as a team to come up with out ideas in readiness for next week. Script writing is our focus as we move nearer to recording our short movies.

We began Wellbeing Club this week by boarding a rollercoaster in Japan. Hands raised, we rode the coaster with its twists and turns. We then moved on to making hula houses. First, just one, and then a two layered house. We finished our session by using beanbags to knock them over. I wonder what we will do next week.

Thank you Y6 for joining me today in our NSPCC Number Day celebrations. You dressed for digits in many ways, and we have thoroughly enjoyed our Maths with a difference. From working together as a team to earn as many points as possible on NSPCC TT Rock Stars, to playing Who Wants to be a Millionaire, resilience, giggles, and team spirit was seen by all. We also found time to play cards and a board game.

Goodness, what a lot of learning Y6. You have worked so hard to tackle all the tasks that have come your way, and I am one impressed teacher. Have a wonderful weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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