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C of E Primary School

Y6 – And It Is Half Term

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Wow Y6! We have made it to half term and what an amazing team we have been. You have worked so hard using your home learning and school provision tasks and I am super proud of you all. Even though we have had a shorter week this week, you have still worked incredibly hard.

In English we completed our T4W information unit on Monsters. You have used the model text to support your planning, drafting, and editing and finished your piece off with a map to match. I have really enjoyed reading these pieces as you have brought your own imagination into them. From dream stealers to planet eaters, the tone and description has fitted them well. Well done Y6.

In Maths this week we have recapped plotting coordinates in one quadrant and mastered plotting coordinates across all four quadrants. We have used this knowledge to reflect shapes in both the x and y axis and we have learnt how to translate shapes across all four quadrants. You have followed my teaching videos and shown confidence in this area of Geometry. Well done Y6.

In Book Club this week we have completed our final lesson focusing on the book Holes. We have also chosen different biographies to read and completed the First News crosswords too. You have enjoyed a quiet read and even sent in some videos for me to enjoy. Our final chapter of Letters from the Lighthouse was read to you today. What a brilliant book this has been. I have enjoyed it just as much as you have. I will now look for another book for us to enjoy together.

You have also taken part in PE and enjoyed indoor cricket. I know how much Mrs Jenkins looks forward to watching your recordings. Y6 you often bring a smile to our faces.

In Geography this week you continued to learn about Biomes and where they are located. You have also continued to learn about Prehistoric Britain. In Science this week you learnt about life cycles and created some super ones of your own.

Your inspirational well-being quotes are ones we call all use – I have enjoyed reading them all. "It always seems impossible until it is done" – Nelson Mandela – chosen by Belle. I would just like to say, that you Y6, inspire me every day and I am truly missing you all. Have a fantastic half term and keep safe.

Your Teacher
Mrs B.

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