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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News

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It has been a fantastic return to school for Y4 this week! We've crammed so much into the 3 days we've already had together! We've been perfecting pointillism, creating volcanic eruptions and recapping lots of Maths methods!

On Wednesday our topic was revealed to be "Our Extreme Earth", linking to the whole school theme of ''Journeys and Discoveries''!

During BIG ART this week, we started to look at our artist for the term, George Seraut. We found out that he loved to stipple (using small dots to create a bigger picture or piece of art). We learnt about colour mixing, creating colour wheels using primary, secondary and tertiary colours. From this we learnt about different pointillism techniques like shading and blending. We used our new found skills to create volcanic eruption strips, which now proudly flow out of our class volcano! We will continue to learn about our artist next week.

In English this week we started by writing "lockdown letters". These helped us to remember our favourite moments of lockdown and also what we are looking forward to in Year 4! We spent the rest of the week using dictionaries to become dictionary detectives! We looked up key words that we'll be using throughout our new topic! We found their definitions and discussed them as a class!

In Maths, we spent the week recapping column methods and lots of Y3 learning. We worked through column subtraction, addition and multiplication! It was fantastic to see everybody using terminology such as "exchanging" and lots of place value words! We also spent some time on Friday to log back into TTRockstars and improve our scores!

We also spent time throughout the week to be mindful and think about our own lockdown and how we might be feeling about COVID19. We discussed anxiety and how it is okay to feel anxious about returning to school.

Well done to everybody this week! I can't wait to see what next week brings!

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Dale

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