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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News

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This week we've been artists, story writers and have become Forest School survival experts...

In Maths this week, our focus has been all about Year 3 recap! We worked through lots of Y3 units in pairs and as a whole class. This helped us to recap key concepts and methods! On Thursday and Friday, we completed some Y3 quizzes too! We also spent time playing TTRockstars to improve our speed! Next week we will see us start our Year 4 Power Maths journey.

In English this week, we wrote stories and descriptions, we tried our best to use all the things we learnt in Year 3. We wrote storm descriptions including expanded noun phrases, feelings and emotion and amazing language. On Friday, we looked at a picture of some explorers on a high wire over a vast mountain range. From this we created amazing stories including description and speech!

During Book Club we spent lots of time reading, answering questions and reading aloud to improve our reading voices. Keep up the great reading and recording at home! We also celebrated lots of book reviews, well done!

We had our first P.E session this week and started to focus on our invasion games topic. We spoke about what an invasion game was and how to play them. We warmed up with a reaction game and then got into our pairs. We started with a simple game of catch, which we developed into piggy in the middle. We discussed how to make our game better, adding in new rules and a way to score points! We finished the session by playing our new game in 2v2s! We finished with a warm down, what a fantastic first session!

During Art this week, we continued our investigations into George Seraut and the art of pointillism. We researched our artist, creating mind maps in the process. We experimented with the pointillism technique of stippling and were able to create some amazing volcano artwork. We finished by investigating different brushes/equipment to create the best stippling effect!

It was time for a recap in our first French lesson of Year 4. We discussed our previous learning and were able to name lots of words and phrases! We then spent the lesson recapping our conversational skills including ca va bien, ca va mal and comment ca va!

Continuing with our very busy week, on Wednesday we had our first Forest School session! We met Mr. Hadfield and went through safety rules. Throughout the session we collected nature, built an awesome shelter, spent time in the teepee and even lit fires! How amazing! Check out some of the pictures!

We also started our new spelling programme this week! We recapped prefixes and worked through our workbooks to write full sentences, write tricky words and improve our spellings of prefixes! Well done!

We had our first Music session of the year in which we started our new unit of Mamma Mia! We used claps to help us with the beat and used our Music books to think about our topic for the half term!

During our Computing session, we took time to focus on our first online safety session of the term. Our focus was 'The power of words'. We spoke about how the online world can impact you in real life and what we can do to think about what we are putting whilst online. We played games and spoke about emojis and the power they can play in the virtual world!

In R.E we talked about our Big Question of 'What does the story of Daniel teach us about God?'. We spent the lesson looking at the Story of Daniel and thinking about its key message! We reordered the event in our books!

What a busy, busy week! I can't wait to do it all again starting Monday!

Please remember that P.E has switched to Friday next week, so please send the children in their school uniform on Monday and their P.E kit on Friday, thank you!

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