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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News

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Last week was another fantastic week in Y4, the time is flying right on by!

In Book Club, we spent the week quiet reading, answering questions and taking part in our new reading challenge! It was fantastic to hear such confident readers. I was also extremely impressed with all the amazing book reviews being left via our website! By the end of the week, we had 3 children already on the bronze reading badges! Keep it going!

In Maths, we continued to crack fractions. We spent the week looking at how to find fractions of amounts and used our knowledge to problem solve! We are getting much more confident with these now, which has been fantastic to see! On Friday, we completed another arithmetic quiz and used lots of methods to help us calculate the answers!

In English, we spent the week writing our "Innovation Stage." We started by completing our toolkits and recapped our targets. We took it day by day and built some fantastic paragraphs full of fronted adverbials, pronouns and the correct use of tense. We chose to write all about Queen Elizabeth and by the end of the week, we had some outstanding biographies! Well done!

In Art we continued to develop our drawing skills to create our own self portraits. It was great to have access to the IPads as we were able to take photos and use the zoom facility to sketch our facial features in more detail. We used the portrait template and developed our sketching techniques to add shadow and tone. We now have a class of self portraits and they are all looking fantastic!

In P.E, we continued to work with our Sportscape coaches to help improve our skills! We played games and focused upon our jumping – well done, everyone!

In R.E, we continued to build upon our big question of "Why is Jesus called Saviour?" We thought about what the word saviour meant and moved on to thinking about stories we knew of Jesus being a saviour! We worked in teams to role play 4 different stories. It was fantastic to see all the teamwork and acting skills on show. We will use these stories to help answer our big question soon!

In Music, we continued to practise for our Easter songs and also spent time learning our Tudor dance song! We wrote some of the chorus to help us remember it!

In PSHE, we spoke about "good stress" and "bad stress". We read about scenarios and discussed these as a class. We were fantastic at giving advice!

In French, we started our new unit on my family! We started by looking at our pets and learnt lots of new vocabulary. We learnt about dogs, cats, fish and even hamsters! We will build upon this next week!

Our Computing time gave us the opportunity to explore how to create a presentation on Google Slides. We began by recapping the features of Powerpoint, and then looked at how this compares with Google Slides. Using the key features we inserted images, selected different themes, changed the background and edited the style and size of our chosen fonts. By the end of the lesson we had also titled our presentation and reflected on all skills we had learnt.

Mr Dale

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